Audit Roundtable: Internal Auditors as Trusted Advisors
Event Details
Audit Roundtable: Internal Auditors as Trusted Advisors
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Liberty Lake, WA
Fieldhouse Pizza Liberty Lake, United States
1235 N Liberty Lake Rd.




Spokane IIA Audit Roundtable:

Internal Audit as Trusted Advisors


Please join the Spokane IIA Chapter for our Audit Roundtable: Internal Audit as Trusted Advisors followed by a hosted networking social hour on Wedensday March 11th, 2020


IIA Member: $25
Non- Member $40
Students $15
To register, please click here.
About the Event:

This event is intended to be a collaborative, open discussion on how Internal Audit benefits our respective organizations.  How can we better communicate the benefits that Internal Audit brings?  What advantages does a company gain by maintaining an Internal Audit department?  We want to be seen as “value add” and not “value = annoying”.  Please, come prepared to share three ways that Internal Audit adds value to your company and how you communicate that value to management.

As an added bonus, attendees will be entered into a drawing to win either one of two books related the roundtable topic or the grand prize of a registration to our planned all day CPE event (IT for Non-IT Auditors) in May 2020!

Instructional delivery method: Group Live
Field of Study:  Auditing
CPE credit:  Up to 1 hours
Advanced preparation: None required
Program level: Basic
Registration 1:45
Roundtable discussion 2:00 - 3:00
Networking Social Hour* 3:00 - 4:00
*Appetizers and two drink tickets will be provided to each attendee for the social hour