NMRP User Group Meeting (21036-031)
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NMRP User Group 2014 Overview

Nuclear Medical Resource Professionals User Group

2019 Annual Conference and Training

Sheraton Sand Key Resort
Clearwater Beach, Florida


Two Concurrent Training Courses*

ANS 3.4 - 2013 or ANS 3.4 - 1983

Technical Review of the Standard

September 23, 2019 

2019 NMRP User Group Conference*

September 24-26, 2019 

The 2019 NMRP User Group meeting once again brings together user group members and industry regulators to address the concerns of both the general membership and MRO/Physician members. The meeting combines presentations on subjects affecting medical professionals at nuclear plants with the ever-popular expert panel discussions. Attending these meetings you can expect to:

NMRP User Group
Members 2019

Arizona Public Service
Detroit Edison
Dominion Generation
Duke Energy
  Energy Northwest
Exelon Nuclear
Nebraska Public Power District
Pacific Gas & Electric
Southern Nuclear
Talen Energy
Tennessee Valley Authority
Xcel Energy

  • Learn from the regulators and industry experts exactly what is expected of you, as well as how to comply with regulations in this specialized field.
  • Take back concrete ideas you can share with your co-workers and start implementing immediately.
  • Network with others in your field to find solutions to the challenges you face.

Two ANS 3.4 training classes will be offered preceding the conference. 

  1. A full day class on the new ANS 3.4-2013 that was approved by the NRC in Revision 4 to Regulatory Guide 1.134 issued in September 2014.  This class is a must for those planning to switch to the new standard. The training class is from 8:00am to 5:00pm, Monday, September 23rd.  Join us and learn from our ANSI experts who will provide in-depth explanations of the new ANSI requirements.

  2. A 4-hour course is designed to provide the site medical, licensing, or operator training organization the knowledge required to effectively implement ANSI/ANS 3.4 – 1983.  Currently over 90 operating units use the 1983 version of this standard.  The main target of this training course is first time NMRP User Group meeting attendees or anyone who may work within the bounds of ANSI/ ANS-3.4 - 1983, "Medical Certification and Monitoring of Personnel Requiring Operator Licenses for Nuclear Power Plants," but is not as familiar with requirements of the standard as they would like to be.  The training class is from 12:30pm to 5:00pm.


The training and meeting will be held at the Sheraton Sand Key Resort, Clearwater Beach, Florida. A specially negotiated rate of $172 per night is available. The deadline for ensuring this special rate is August 23, 2019; click on the "Hotel Registration" tab, above, and make your reservations today.


Members are entitled to have one rep attend the NMRP User Group at no cost and each additional rep is $1365. The cost of the ANS 3.4-2013  (8hr) training course is $815 for NMRP User Group members and $1,155 for non-members.  The cost of the ANS 3.4-1983 (4hr) training course is $550 for User Group members and $630 for non-members. Fees include all meeting materials, daily breakfast, lunch, and breaks for all attendees, as well as participation in the evening events.

Membership Attendee

If you are the NMRP User Group membership attendee, you should have received a discount code to use when you register. If you have not received this code, please contact Rose Kieffer at rkieffer@curtisswright.com  or 727.669.3055.

Contact Information

If you have any questions about the registration process please contact Rose Kieffer, rkieffer@curtisswright.com.

Networking Activities

All attendees and their guests are invited to the Welcoming Reception scheduled for 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday evening, September 23rd.

All NMRP User Group Conference attendees are invited to attend the dinner on Tuesday, September 24, 2019. Your guests are welcome to attend the dinner.  This is no fee for guests.

Disclosure Statements

The planners and speakers for this meeting present no conflicts of interest affecting this continuing education activity.  

Participants must attend the entire meeting to receive the full continuing education contact hours. A course evaluation must be completed before the participant will receive his or her certificate of contact hours.

*Continuing Nursing Education


This activity has been submitted to AAOHN for approval to award contact hours. AAOHN is accredited as an approver of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.