The LPD Seminar will begin on Tuesday morning, June 11th and end on Friday, June 14th at noon.
Day One
Evolving Regulatory Climate
- Understand industry impact of the Browns Ferry Fire, the TMI accident, Millstone Design Basis Verification issues, and the Davis-Besse Fire.
NRC/Industry Organization
- Students will learn about the different organizations within the NRC as well as learn about key laws impacting the regulatory arena.
NRC/Industry Guidance Documents
- Students will receive an introduction to NRC and industry guidance documents. Information will cover generic
communications, NUREGs, SECY papers, office instructions, NEI Topical Reports and many more. Students will learn the
hierarchy of documents as well as the purpose of each of the documents.
Regulatory Communication
- Discuss the regulatory requirements for communicating with the NRC and associated violation examples.
Day Two
Reporting Requirements
- 10 CFR 50.72/73 and 10 CFR Part 21 Reporting Requirements
- Understand the basis for reporting
- Recognize interactions between requirements the 10 CFR 50.72, 10 CFR 50.73 and 10 CFR 21
- Become familiar with the Part 21 evaluation requirements
- Emergency Class declaration
- Non-emergency events requiring public notification
- Historical plant problems
- System actuation
- Discuss NRC guidelines for making operability decisions and examples of operability decisions and violations.
Performance Indicators
- Understand the role of performance indicators (PI) in the Reactor Oversight Process and how to access the PI results.
Baseline Inspection
- Review the Inspection & Enforcement process in order to understand the terminology, fundamental processes and potential consequences.
Screening Process
- NRC screening process of various documents is presented with examples.
Day Three
Significance determination process using qualitative criteria
- Review the process the NRC uses to determine the significance of findings with the probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) methods and tools.
Occupational Radiation Safety
- Assess the significance of inspection findings related to worker health and safety from exposure to radiation from licensed or unlicensed radioactive materials during routine operations.
Emergency Planning
- Review the method used by the NRC to determine the significance of findings associated with emergency planning (programmatic and actual emergencies).
Public Radiation Safety
- Assess the significance of inspection findings related to public health and safety from exposure to radiation during routine reactor operations. Specific areas include: Radioactive gaseous and liquid effluent treatment and monitoring systems; radioactive material processing and transportation; environmental monitoring and radioactive material control.
At-Power significance determination
- Determine the significance of findings related to at-power reactor operations. Examples of the phase I, II and III processes are addressed.
Changing your Licensing Basis
- 10 CFR 50.59 - Changes, Test and Experiments
- 10 CFR 50.71e - FSAR Updates
- 10 CFR 50.90 - License Amendments
- Acceptance Review Process
- 10 CFR 50.12 – Exemptions
- 10 CFR 50.55a - Relief Requests
- TSTF Travelers
- Use of precedents
Day Four
Participants will receive a unique insight into the “Top Ten Issues” currently having substantial impact on the nuclear industry. They will also receive an overview on the background and status of each item, with the understanding of the regulatory climate driving these issues to the forefront.
(Note: Outline is subject to change)