
Villanova University Financial Club

Villanova Basketball vs. Seton Hall

February 4, 2018

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Attendee List

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Attendee Name Villanova Grad Year
Victor Falvo1983
Chris Albanese1990
P. Mark Martini1987
Jim Carey1981
Joanie (89') and Michael (89') Malloy1989
Tom Sharkey1980
Joe Garibaldi1991
Tom Miller1985
Charlie Nettleton2005
Todd Schmucker1998
Patrick Niro1989
Kevin Lamb1988
Thomas Prior1983
Keith Hassan1999
Rich Erickson1983
Charlie Ellinwood1973
Brandon Peoples1998
Mike Karmilowicz1991
Scott S2001
Todd Forgione2002
Rick Kolman1973
Eric Quisenberry1998
Ray Bader2007
Patrick O'Keefe1991
John Burgess1986
John Gallagher1984
Jess Sodaski1998
James Rowen2016
Joan (89') and Michael Malloy (89')1989
Bob Wright1994