Lab Stats Pack (LSP) Administrator's Training establishes competency in the overall set-up, use, and application of LSP software in your lab. This course content has recently been expanded, and made more comprehensive. The class includes new added features with are designed to improve the efficacy of your quarterly QC Chart reviews as recommended by good practice, and INPO.
This course is designed to thoroughly prepare you to be a Lab Stats Pack Administrator. The LSP Administrator is responsible for data integrity, e.g. QC Chart and data Records, program set-up, User levels, and passwords, program security set-up, new Lab and Chart creation, and more. This course covers the following topics and will give you the knowledge you need to become a LSP Administrator.
- LSP Installation Instructions
- The Explorer and Virtual Laboratory
- Response Data and Control Data
- Periodic Checks with Statistics review
- Comments/Remarks
- Shortcuts/Grid Entry Options
- Tools/Preferences
- Reports
- Security features/customizations
- Examples of Test Labs/Check Sample Labs
- LSP Logbook and Maintenance Scheduler (an optional feature)
- Archive, Import, Export
- Batch reports and Accuracy Reports (New feature)
Complete Course Outline
Click here to view the complete course outline in Adobe Acrobat .pdf format. You may print the document from your screen or right click and select "Save Target As" to download a copy to your computer. If you don't have the free Adobe Acrobat viewer, click here to visit the Adobe site and download it.