AISA 2018 Educators Conference


 Early-Bird Rate US$ 615
 Full Registration  US$ 635
 Exhibition Table US$ 350


By sponsoring the AISA 2018 Educators Conference (AEC), you can be sure that your funding is supporting the development of world-class teachers and leaders in international schools across Africa as well as expanding your exposure to the people that matter most to your business or organisation.

As a Gold or Platinum AEC Sponsor, you will be allocated time in the programme to make a Learning Partners Presentation (LPP) to the conference delegates. This is a great opportunity to showcase how your organization's innovations, systems and products are impacting student learning and school effectiveness. 

To find out more about AEC sponsorship opportunities, please send an email to Chanel (

Most prominent name and logo placement on all event communications & materials
Option to show a promotional video/presentation of up to 2 min at the opening of AISA Conferences
Prominent name and logo placement on all materials related to the event
 ✔ ✔ ✔
Complimentary registration of delegates to the AEC
 ✔ 2 1
Complimentary exhibition table in the exhibition hall
 2 2 1
Premier positioning in the exhibition hall
 ✔ ✔ ✔
Opportunity to facilitate a workshop at the AISA Conference (Learning Partners Present)
 ✔ ✔ 
Complimentary Gala Dinner Ticket at the AEC
 2 1 
Complimentary full page ad in ConneXions
Complimentary half page ad in ConneXions
Complimentary quarter page ad in ConneXions

Shipping Details

The King Fahd Palace Hotel
Routes des Almadies, B.P. 8181
Dakar, Senegal
Tel: +221 33 869 69 39
Contact: Mrs. Christiane Dieng Sylla