Learn from the experts in the field, including designers, authors, the crafty ladies from Big Picture Classes and, of course, the famed Memory Makers Masters! You'll never find this many scrapbooking pros in one place—so plan early to try something new! Experiment with new scrapbooking tools and techniques, or just have fun creating.
To get the most from your workshop experience always double-check the materials required and pack them with your tickets and wristbands! Also, out of courtesy for the instructor and fellow students, please arrive on time so that sessions can begin promptly.
In addition to any supplies specifically indicated in the individual workshops description, be sure to bring the following basic supplies to every workshop:
- 12"x12" paper trimmer
- Pair of straight-edge micro-tip scissors
- Adhesives (wet & dry)
- Black archival pen
- Black and Brown Ink Pad and other favorite Inks
- Your workshop ticket. This is your admission into your workshop. (Your workshop ticket will be in your convention packet, which is either mailed to you directly or available for pick-up at the Will Call area of registration.
NEW for 2012!!
Mixed Media Workshops have been added to the 2012 GASC workshop schedule. Here’s your chance to break out of your scrapbooking box and combine your scrap skills with your other crafty side! From albums to canvas don’t miss out on the chance to take your craft skills to the next level! 2012 Mixed Media workshops include:
- Mixed Media Mini Album (Instructor: Jennifer Priest)
- Mixed Media for Scrapbooking (Instructor: Traci Bautista)
- Stylistic Scrawls Canvas Art Journal (Instructor: Traci Bautista)
- Mixed Media Canvases (Instructor: Jennifer Priest)
- One Sentence Art Journaling (Instructor: Quinn McDonald)