2017 EQ Technical Meeting Presentations
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Year in Review - Rick Weinacht
Subsequent License Renewal Approach and Impacts - Spencer Feuerstein
Vibration Aging - Jim Gleason
IEEE 60780-323 Joint Standard Update - Bob Konnic & John White
In-situ Testing Technique for On-Going Cable Aging Assessment at Oyster Creek - Chad Kiger
Bruce EQ Extension Project - Shaun Abbas
Improving Designs and Reducing Qualification Costs using Agile Engineering - Adam Gaither
ASCO's NP Operating Experience and NP-G/H Series Updates - Nick Ingles & Steve Casadevall
Analysis Methods to Reduce EQ Dose - Nathan Block
Saving Energy and Cost by Standardization. Condition Monitoring Methods, IEC/IEEE 62582-X - Sven Olof-Palm
On Study of Synergistic Effect for PEEK of CEDM in Nuclear Power Plant Using TGA Method - Kim Han Soo & Jae Hyung
Japanese Cable EQ Testing - Yasutaka Eguchi
Experiences taken from Implementation of IEEE CAP Provisions Equipment Qualification Nuclear Conformity Program (EQNCP) - Marek Tengler, Rizzo Associates & Bohumir Myslin, Czech Republic Military Technical Institute
NUGEQ Presentations
Challenges in the Environmental Qualification of First of a Kind Components
- Jeff Jacobson
Delivering the Nuclear Promise
Status of Proposed Design Compliance Enforcement Discretion (DCED) Process
Engineering Inspections
Status of PRM-50-112 Defining "Important to Safety"
Inspection Results by Plant 2017
Operating Experience
Overview of EQFAXs
Status of NRC Effort to Clarify 10 CFR Part 21 "Reporting of Defects and Noncompliance"
EQ Inspection Resources
Service Life (RIS)
Tentative 2018 DBA EQ Inspection Schedule
Vendor Developments
WSPlus Updates