Call for Papers
2017 Environmental Qualification Technical Meeting
Sheraton Sand Key Resort
Clearwater Beach, FL
November 8-10, 2017
Sponsored by
Curtiss-Wright, Nuclear Division, Scientech
NUGEQ (Nuclear Utility Group on Equipment Qualification)
Curtiss-Wright, and NUGEQ are jointly sponsoring a technical meeting on nuclear power plant equipment environmental and seismic qualification (EQ). The purpose of the meeting is to promote the interface of organizations involved in nuclear industry EQ efforts. Managers and engineers in attendance represent US and international utilities, regulators, manufacturers, national laboratories, commercial test laboratories, and consultants.
There is no registration fee for personnel from utilities that are members of EQ PowerSuite™ or NUGEQ. There is a $1,295 fee for non-member participants.
Important note: Meeting fees are not waived for submissions; they are waived only for invited presentations (e.g.: the keynote address).
Optional two-day training held Monday and Tuesday is $1,495 per attendee.
Preliminary Agenda
The meeting will be held Wednesday, November 8 through Friday, November 10, 2017 at the Sheraton Sand Key Resort in Clearwater Beach, Florida. A coordinated schedule of events will be published in advance of the meeting. A preliminary schedule of events is provided below. Presentations will be integrated into the appropriate Technical Sessions and open to all attendees.
November 6-7 Monday 8:00am-5:00pm Tuesday 8:00am12:00 p.m.
Tuesday-November 7 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. |
Subject: EQ Program Owner Best Practices-Applying Lessons Learned from Design Basis Assurance (Programs) Inspections EQMS Users Group Meeting |
Wednesday November 8 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Industry EQ Initiatives
EQ Technical Topics EQ Program Topics
Thursday-November 9 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
EQ Topics (Continued)
Regulatory Developments Utility Interactions – Plant Topics
Friday-November 10 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. |
Utility Interactions EQ Program Performance Utility Interactions |
Call for Papers
regarding other topics related to Environmental and Seismic Qualification are
welcome and will also be considered. Industry personnel interested in
contributing to the technical sessions should submit a presentation abstract of
not more than 400 words no later than August 25, 2017to: Rick Weinacht, Presentations will be selected
based on the subject matter as provided in the abstract and relevance to the
broad topics below.
- EQ Involvement with Beyond Design Basis Events (i.e., Fukushima Mods affecting design basis)*
- Design Bases Assurance (Programs) Inspections (IP 71111.21N)
- Plant Specific EQ Issues & Challenges *
- EQ Test Lab Inputs on New Equipment Qualification, Current Challenges and Improvements on Thermal Aging Methods *
- Plant O&E Responses*
- Development New EQ Equipment or Materials of Interest*
- New Regulatory Issues and the Impact on EQ Programs and EQ Management*
- New Plant EQ Parameters, EQ Equipment, and Qualification Topics*
- Vendor presentations of equipment designed for new plants and severe/BDE accidents*
- Solutions for Obsolescence Issues/Components*
- Qualification of Mechanical Equipment*
- Equipment Reliability/Failure Rates During Normal 40-Year Life Span*
- Impact of NRC Orders and Recommendations related to the Japan Nuclear Accident Lessons learned on Equipment Qualification
- Aging Management Research and Practical Applications
- Utility Experience and Lessons Learned from Self-Assessments
- Update on new plant construction (US and/or international)
- Industry Standards Revisions Impacting EQ
- Industry Activities Related to Equipment Procurement and Obsolescence
- Regulatory Guidance Revisions Impacting EQ
- Equipment Condition Monitoring – Costs and Benefits
- Temperature/Radiation Monitoring – Costs and Benefits
- Implementation of IAEA EQ Program Guidance
- Plant-Specific Current Issues
- Utility experience with EQ and Licensing of Digital Systems and Equipment
- EQ Program Upgrade; Cost Reduction; Scope Reduction
- EQ Program Health Monitoring – Methods, Benefits and Pitfalls
- EQ Cost Savings Initiatives
- Power Uprate Impact on EQ Programs
- Seismic Qualification Technical and Regulatory Topics
- INPO Initiatives and Implementation Experience
*Topics with high interest level
Technical Contacts
Rick Weinacht Scientech, Nuclear Division Curtiss-Wright 29399 US Hwy 19 N, Ste 320 Clearwater, FL 33761 Phone: (727) 669-3074
Bill Horin Winston & Strawn, LLP 1700 K Street NW, Washington, DC 20006 Phone: (202) 282-5737 Fax: (202) 282-5100 E-mail: |
Past EQ Technical Meeting participants include:
AES Nuclear, Inc.
Ameren-UE American Electric Power Ametek Solidstate Controls Analysis & Measurement Services Corporation Applied Energy Services AREVA Inc. Arexisgroup Arexis Canada Inc. Arizona Public Service Co. Assurance Technical Services ATC Nuclear Atlantic Nuclear Services, Ltd. Atomic Energy Council, Exe. Yuan Atomic Energy of Canada Limited AZZ Nuclear Barton Instruments Bechtel Brookhaven National Lab Bruce Power CableLAN Products, Inc. Cameron Measurement Systems Canadian Nuclear Laboratories LTD. CNSC Canadian Nuclear Safety Commision CANDU Owners Group Chubu Electric (Japan) Clark Testing Comisión Federal de Electricidad Conax Technologies Constellation Energy Contech Inc. Curtiss-Wright Nuclear Division Dessau (Canada) DiBenedetto Associates Dominion Nuclear DP Engineering Ltd. Company DTE Energy Duke Energy Corporation Dupill Group EDF Energy Electric Power Research Institute Eletronuclear - Angra (Brazil) Emerson Rosemount Nuclear Instruments, Inc.
Energy Northwest Engineered Solutions Group Entergy Nuclear Operations EPM, Inc. Exelon Corporation Fauske & Associates FirstEnergy Nuclear Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB, Vattenfall FPL Energy GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy General Cable Corporation Glenair GLSEQ, LLC Habia Cable AB Hanna Cylinders Henry Controls, Inc. (Canada) Hydro Québec (Canada) IEEE-SA Iepson Consulting Enterprises Institute of Nuclear Energy Research Atomic Energy Council, R.O.C. Institute of Nuclear Power Ops INVAP S.E. Japan Atomic Power Company Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Org. Japan Nuclear Safety Institute Japan NUS Company, LTD. Kansai Electric Power Co. KEPCO E&C Kernkraftwerk Leibstadt AG (Switz.) | Kinectrics, Inc. (US & Canada) Kiran Consultants, Inc. (KCI) Korea Electric Power Corp. Korea Foundation of Nuclear Safety Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials Korea Power Engineering Company Lakeside Process Controls Limitorque Corporation Luminant Mirion Technology (IST) Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (Japan) MVM Parks II Nuclear Power Plant Development Ltd. NAMCO National Inst. of Nuclear Research (Mexico) National Technical Systems NB Power (Canada) Nebraska Public Power Dist. NEQ Consulting NexTech Materials, Ltd. NextEra Energy NKW, Inc. Nuclear AMRC Nuclear Energy Institute Nuclear Engineering, Ldt. (NEL) Nuclear Logistics, Inc. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nuclear Research Inst. Rez (Czech Rep.) Nuklearna Elektrarna Krško (Slovenia) NuScale Power, LLC Nutherm International Oak Ridge National Laboratory Omaha Public Power District Ontario Power Generation Pacific Gas& Electric Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station PBMR (Pty.) Ltd. (S. Africa) Phoenix Contact PPL Susquehanna LLC Progress Energy PSEG Nuclear LLC Public Service Electric & Gas Rad Consultant RCM Technologies Red Wolf Associates Ringhals AB Rizzo Associates (Czech Rep.) RSCC Wre & Cable LLC Rotork Controls Sandia National Laboratories Sargent & Lundy Engineers SCANNA/SCE&G Schultz Electric Company SCI Technology Solvenian Nuclear Safety Administration Soldan America South Carolina Electric & Gas Southern California Edison Southern Nuclear Oper. Co. SNN-SA Cernavoda (Romania) Stevenson & Associates (Czech Rep.) Stone & Webster Engineering STP Nuclear Operating Co. Strategic Technologies & Resources Structural Integrity Associates Talen Energy TE Connectivity Energy/Raychem Teollisuuden Voima Oy (Finland) Tenera Environmental Tennessee Valley Authority Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Japan) Tractebel Energy Engineering Ultra Electronics, NSPI United Controls International US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Valcor Engineering Vattenfall AB (Sweden) Vectra Technologies Wardrop Engineering (Canada) Washington Laboratories, LTD. Weed Instrument Company Westinghouse Electric Co. Winston & Strawn Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corp. Worley/Parsons Group, Inc. |