2017 Shaping our Future


Walk, Run, or take a bus


Running tour: Social housing in east downtown Toronto

Saturday, October 17, 8:30-10:30 am

Facilitator: Hugh Lawson, Director, Strategic Planning and Stakeholder Relations, Toronto Community Housing

                    Jenn St. Louis, Social Housing Consultant, City of Toronto

Do you want to see social housing at street level while getting some exercise? This session follows a 7 km route while highlighting new and existing developments in the West Don Lands, Regent Park and other parts of east downtown.

Walking tour 1: Alexandra Park

Friday, October 16, 1:30-5 pm

Take a tour of the vibrant downtown community of Alexandra Park. Learn how, through a first-of-its-kind partnership with an independent housing co-operative, Toronto Community Housing is revitalizing the area with new housing, facilities and services that will connect the area with the thriving neighborhoods around it. The group will walk to Alexandra Park from Sheraton Centre Toronto.

Read our QC feature to learn more about the Alexandra Park Revitalization.

Bus tour 1: St. Clare's Multifaith Housing Society buildings -- Success with innovative operating model

Friday, October 16, 1:30-5 pm

You will visit four downtown properties owned and operated by this innovative organization which has created 383 housing units in the last 15 years, for Toronto's homeless and hard-to-house. St. Clare's concentrates on its role as landlord, while community partners provide appropriate housing supports. From Kim Hinton, St. Clare's Director of Community and Partnership, you will learn practical tips on how to make this sort of operating model work, as well as be inspired by stories of tenant success.

Walking tour 2: Lawrence Heights

Saturday, October 17, 1:30-5 pm

Take a tour of Lawrence Heights – Toronto Community Housing’s largest Revitalization project yet. Learn how the organization is bringing in new amenities and strengthening the relationships between residents and the surrounding community to build a neighborhood that thrives. The group will take public transit to Lawrence Heights.

Bus tour 2: Pan Am Village - City's newest mixed-use community

Saturday, October 17, 10 am – 12 pm

The Pan Am Games have come and gone, now it's time to turn the athletes' dorms into homes, and the sports hub into a vibrant neighbourhood. From developer Dundee Kilmer and other partners involved in creating Toronto's newest destination, you will learn about this dynamic, mixed-used community, where people living in market housing, affordable housing and student housing will be able to access sports facilities and innovative retail, as they stroll the pedestrian-friendly streetscape.