2017 Shaping our Future


End of Operating Agreements

End of Operating Agreements (EOAs) present both challenges and opportunities for federally-funded non-profit housing providers.From determining the viability of your organization post-EOA to understanding your options going forward, ONPHA is here to help. At this year's conference, learn from the experiences of your colleagues to best prepare your organization to thrive in this new landscape.

Providers across Ontario of all sizes and capacities are embarking on initiatives to understand impacts and plans for success post-End of Operating Agreements (EOA). They each face challenges in terms of evolving community needs, local market drivers, financial realities and asset conditions that influence how they will respond. This session will provide specific case studies to illustrate common challenges and how they shape provider EOA responses within a local context. Discover the lessons learned and how they can apply to your organization.

Ken Foulds, Principal, Re/fact Consulting
Christine Pacini, Partner, SHS Consulting

Changing times require a change of thinking! Learn how fellow housing providers, under different funding programs, rethought their assets and finances to continue growing. This session will explore how they turned their ideas and limited resources into new housing and growth.

Are End of Operating Agreements (EOA) as daunting as they seem? Or could they lead to new and exciting opportunities for former federal housing providers? Join a panel of leaders from three diverse organizations that have recently gone through an EOA. They will discuss the successes and challenges they faced in areas such as refinancing, new development, selling units and navigating new partnerships as they continue operating in this previously unchartered territory.

Lori-Anne Gagne, Executive Director, Victoria Park Community Homes
Eric Hill, Executive Director, Can-am Urban Native Non-Profit Homes
Bruce Hynes, Chair, Marguerita Residence Corporation

306 Planning for long-term viability: Business models and capital asset strategies
Saturday, November 4
9-10:30 a.m.

Stream: Our Organizations   |   Format: Learn

The provincial government has been consulting on what a modernized non-profit housing sector looks like. To help you best prepare, ONPHA has developed a non-profit business model template. This session will provide an overview of this business model and delve into capital asset management, providing examples of transformative, innovative and adaptive strategies that any affordable housing provider can use to address capital asset renewal and eliminate deferred maintenance.

Karen Eccles, Manager of Buildings & Assets, Durham Region Non-Profit Housing Corporation
Tracy Greig, Director of Operations, Durham Region Non-Profit Housing Corporation
Helen Harris, Coordinator Policy and Research, ONPHA

408 A brave new world: Non-profit refinancing
Saturday, November 4
11 a.m.-12 p.m.

Stream: Our Organizations   |   Format: Learn

With the End of Operating Agreements (EOAs) near, many non-profit housing providers are looking towards refinancing to sustain and expand their operations. Are you prepared? Are you gathering the right information and asking the right questions? Come hear perspectives from both sides of the equation: a mortgage lending expert who specializes in affordable housing, and a housing provider that prepaid their mortgage through CMHC’s loan prepayment flexibility program and refinanced with a private sector institution.

Daniel Bragagnolo, Director, Commercial Mortgages, First National Financial LP
Diane Duncan, Executive Director, St. Paul’s L’Amoreaux Centre

502 EOA: Ensuring legal readiness
Saturday, November 4
2-3 p.m.

Stream: Our Future   |   Format: Learn

When preparing for your End of Operating Agreements (EOAs)/mortgages, did you know there are a number of legal matters to consider? For instance, have you reviewed your incorporating documents to ensure your mission is still relevant? Are there rebates and exemptions that you have been accessing that no longer apply? Have you reviewed your legal requirements to make sure you have everything in place for a modernized sector? This session will walk you through what to consider as you plan for the future.

Katie Douglas, Lawyer, Iler Campbell LLP
Michael Hackl, Lawyer, Iler Campbell LLP

507 Governance: Mission and vision possible
Saturday, November 4
2-3 p.m.

Stream: The Basics   |   Format: Learn

Clear and well-structured mission and vision statements provide shape and focus to your governance work. This basic session will walk providers through the process of rethinking mission and vision statements using a real-world case study in order to best achieve and direct your organizational goals.

Isaac Coplan, Coordinator, Education Services, ONPHA

What is a corporate culture and how does it evolve? A corporate culture often develops from the phrase “this is how we do things here” and lives within business processes and routines, employee interactions, project management styles and so on. These underlying beliefs and assumptions may be rarely questioned, yet they can hamper an organization's efforts and abilities to adapt in an ever-changing world. This session will discuss how you can overcome and evolve those deeply embedded routines, processes and ideas to lead positive transformative change and keep your organization in the present.