Ascent 2017 Conference

The Ascent Conference will be held May 3-4, 2017 at:
3300 Lenox Road, NE
Atlanta, GA  30326

About the Ascent Conference 

The Ascent Conference is designed specifically for emerging law department leaders seeking to accelerate their career trajectory. Successful law department management today requires leaders with keen business acumen. Ascent is focused on honing the skills and delivering the tools to get you there.

Today's law department leader must address business problems from a multi-dimensional perspective with a focus on reputational, operational, financial and legal risks. More specifically, law department leaders must be both strategic and tactical: strategic by viewing each situation from an enterprise perspective; and tactical by drawing from both the legal and business environments to collaborate effectively, create practical solutions and communicate those solutions effectively.

Through panel discussions with experts,  breakout group sessions and table top exercises with peers, the Ascent Conference will provide both knowledge and experiential learning to help participants broaden their perspectives, communicate more effectively and refocus their career development towards becoming trusted advisors.

Ascent’s primary focus is on what is important to business leaders, so faculty includes Chief Financial Officers and other non-legal experts. These leaders will share their perspectives on the characteristics, behaviors and best practices of lawyers who are great business advisors first, and lawyers second. 

Tracks Include: 

  • Labor & Employment
  • Litigation
  • Information Governance
  • Compliance & Investigations
  • Executive Leadership
  • Commercial Transactions
  • Financial Acumen

You’re invited to the 1st Annual Pre-Conference workshop for the ASCENT Conference on Tuesday, May 3, 2016 at the Key Bridge Marriott in Arlington, Virginia.