Transport Facilitation WG
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) hosted a virtual Technical Meeting: Denial of Shipment – Issues and Solutions 23 to 26 March 2021.  Ninety-nine delegates participated - from 31 Member States and 9 International Organisations.

The meeting was tasked “… to consider the options for addressing denials of and delays in shipment, including a code of conduct on facilitation, and provide an initial report on these options to the Member States by June 2021.’

TFWG co-chair Serge Gorlin submitted a paper to the meeting, made up of two parts. The first part characterised the current situation for denial of shipments based on analysis of key data for air and maritime mode, evaluation of the results of the 2020 Transport Facilitation Working Group survey, as well as the global disruption to the supply of medical radioisotopes by the COVID-19 pandemic. The second part of the paper was devoted to examining policies that could moderate the effects of denial of shipment without affecting the firm foundations of the radioactive material transport system.

Communications consultant Jim Ring submitted a paper to the meeting on the role of communications in addressing denials of shipment.

The Chairman’s report summarizes the inputs to and recommendations from the meeting. The recommendations included “ setting up a working group including all interested Member States and experts from industry and international organizations for further analysis and implementation of identified measures.