Transport Facilitation WG
The Transport Facilitation Working Group (TFWG) is a standing group of experts whose role is to propose strategies and activities necessary to facilitate the safe and secure global transport of radioactive materials, and to contribute to their implementation. It submits regular reports to the Inter-Agency Group (IAG), composed of representatives of the IAEA, ICAO, and IMO Secretariats as well as UNECE. The TFWG succeeds the International Steering Committee on Denials of Shipment of Radioactive Materials (ISC-DOS), and maintains some of its activities.

Leading Uses of Radioactive Material
All of which require transport
Cat Scan   Cancer badge   Sterilizing blood   Confirming quality   Well logging
Diagnosing cancer   Cancer treatment   Sterilizing blood (blood irradiators)   Confirming the quality of welds in industrial piping (industrial radiography)   Well logging (well logging gauges)
Measuring level   Surgical equipment   Measuring soil   Scientific research   Providing energy
Measuring level or product thickness (fixed industrial gauges)   Medical product sterilization and food safety (radiation processing)   Measuring soil density or moisture (soil density gauges)   Scientific research   Providing energy