2016 REI Anderson Awards

Anderson Award Event

Seattle June 6 - 10 2016


We are delighted to host all of the 2015 Anderson Award recipients in Seattle on June 6 - 10 celebrating your honor.

Excited? We are too and here’s what you need to do next!

Using the tabs above to complete the following 3 steps by April 22nd.

  1. 1. Register for the event: enter your information and choose your elective sessions
    • *Note please plan to complete this step all at once because sessions are registered on a first come basis.
  2. 2. Book your travel
  3. 3. Book your hotel

The tabs above also include more information about the event, hotel, and the Seattle area.

We look forward to seeing you in June. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact the planning team if there is anything we can do to assist you.

View the 2016 Anderson Award Event Agenda