Universities Australia is the national peak body representing the Australian university sector. The conference is organised by Universities Australia and is the annual signature event for the sector attracting over 900 delegates including Vice-Chancellors, Chancellors, senior university representatives, Government representatives, industry representatives, members of our research community, international education specialists, media and those with an interest in higher education.
The theme of the 2017 conference is Higher Education: Gen Next.
The conference will focus on the future shape of higher education against a backdrop of profound economic, industrial and technological change. The expectations of the next generation of students, the implications for university education and research, and the next generation of technology are topics expected to be explored throughout the two-day conference.
The conference features an exceptional line up of speakers including:
- The Hon Jeffrey Bleich former US Ambassador to Australia
- Professor Bertil Andersson, President, Nanyang Technological University
- Mr Antoine van Agtmael & Mr Fred Bakker, Authors of The Smartest Places on Earth - Why Rustbelts are Emerging Hotspots of Global Innovation
- Senator The Hon Simon Birmingham, Minister for Education and Training
- The Hon Tanya Plibersek MP, Shadow Minister for Education
- Ms Kristina Keneally, former Australian politician
- Mr Hugh Bradlow, Chief Scientist, Telstra
- Ms Jane Cay, Founder and Director, Birdsnest Australia
- Dr Sarah Pearson, CEO & Founder, CBR Innovation Network Ltd
For further information on the conference, browse the following pages of this website or contact Arminia Seferovic, Events Manager, Universities Australia at events@universitiesaustralia.edu.au or 02 6285 8116.