Tuesday, 25 October 2016
8:15 |
Registration and Welcome Coffee |
9:00 |
Session 1: Opening |
Leos Tomicek, Senior Vice-President, Nuclear Projects, Rusatom Overseas Helmut Engelbrecht, Chairman of the World Nuclear Association & Senior Advisor to Urenco Mikhail Miroshnichenko, Rostechnadzor Igor Timofeev, Vice-president for project management, AtomStroyExport |
9:45 |
Coffee break |
10:00 |
Session 2: Introduction to World Nuclear Association’s Activities |
Chair: Dr. Andrew Wasylyk, Project Manager, World Nuclear Association |
Jean Barbaud, Senior Advisor, International Safety EDF, Vice-Chairman of CORDEL: CORDEL Working Group Activities Henri Pelin, Senior Advisor, World Nuclear Association: World Nuclear Association’s Activities and Working Groups Alexander Bolgarov, Head of Licensing and Technical Regulation Department, Technical Direction, Rusatom Overseas: Rosatom / Participation to CORDEL & LTO Activities |
11:15 |
Session 3: Setting the Scene – Regional Topic |
Chair: Alexey Lokhov, Deputy Director, Business Development, Rosatom France |
Vyacheslav Alenkov, Director of system engineering, ASE Group of companies: NPP life cycle management based on Multi-D technologies, Industrial operational solution
12:00 |
Lunch break |
13:00 |
Session 3 (cont'd): Setting the Scene – Regional Topic |
Chair: Alexey Lokhov, Deputy Director, Business Development, Rosatom France |
Jiři Füzer, Safety and Quality Manager, CEZ: Challenges and opportunities for new nuclear power plant construction and life extension existing NPPs in order to meet energy demands |
13:30 |
Session 4: Operating Plants Issues and Challenges |
Chair: Jean Barbaud, Senior Advisor, International Safety, EDF |
Vitaly Gilev, Chief technologist of Department for production planning, modernization and Life extension, Rosenergoatom: Life extension of nuclear power plant units in the Russian Federation Elena Shchigoleva, Chief specialist of Licensing activities Division, Rosenergoatom: Licensing of lifetime extension of NPP Harri Tuomisto, Senior Nuclear Safety Officer, FORTUM: LTO and Maintaining the Design Integrity of the Loviisa Power Plant
15:00 |
Adjournment |
16:30 |
Visiting Tour (Kremlin) |
18:00 |
Reception (Kempinsky Hotel) |
Wednesday, 26 October 2016
09:00 |
Session 5A: Global Challenges in New Build Applications |
Chair: Polina Lion, Vice-President for Strategic Development, Rusatom Overseas |
Henri Pelin, Senior Advisor, World Nuclear Association: World Nuclear Association’s Harmony Project Sergey Streltsov, Quality Assurance Director, ASE Group of Companies: Experience of licensing and implementation of EPC contracts abroad Elena Pashina, head of Marketing Department, Rusatom Overseas: Global Perspective of New Nuclear Power plants Sandro Baldi, Director of Technologies and Strategy, Nuclear New Build Division, EDF: Regulatory, Financial and Political Challenges to New Build - The EDF Experience |
10:30 |
Coffee break |
11:00 |
Session 5B: Specific Challenges to New Build |
Chair: Alexey Podlesnykh, CEO Proryv Project |
Andrey Obushev, Deputy Director on Development, VO Safety: Codes & Standards - Challenges ahead Eugeniy Galivets, RASU: Role of I&C Conceptual design and licensing Irina Vlasova, Head of Configuration Information Models Department, ASE Group of companies: Innovative NPP construction technologies, requirements management, configuration management, etc. |
12:00 |
Lunch break |
13:00 |
Session 5C: Specific technical and licensing challenges |
Chair: Sergey Igorov, Deputy CEO, Rusatom Energo International |
Andrew Wasylyk, Project Manager / Staff Director, World Nuclear Association: International strategy for the convergence of Mechanical Nuclear Codes & Standards Andrey Smirnov, Senior Engineer-Designer, JSC OKBM Afrikantov: New technical solutions directed toward the safety enhancement in BN-800 reactor project Dr. Igor Kogay, Director for Industrial Safety and Quality Control, JSC Akkuyu NPP: Akkuyu NPP - the world's first BOO project in the nuclear industry Kurşad Tosun, Director for licensing, JSC Akkuyu NPP: Approach for Obtaining General Permits of Akkuyu NPP Project in Turkey Julia Virtanen, Technical Coordinator, Licensing Department, Fennovoima Oy: Licensing process for the Hanhikivi 1 project |
15:30 |
Coffee break |
16:00 |
Session 6: High Level Panel – Challenges Facing Nuclear Power |
Chair: Helmut Engelbrecht, Chairman of the World Nuclear Association & Senior Advisor to Urenco |
Leos Tomicek, Senior Vice-President, Nuclear Projects, Rusatom Overseas Anatoly Kirichenko, First Deputy Director, WANO-Moscow Center Sandro Baldi, Director of Technologies and Strategy, Nuclear New Build Division, EDF Peter Tarren, Head of the Operational Safety Section of NSNI IAEA |
17:00 |
Session 7: Closing Session |
Henri Pelin, Senior Advisor, World Nuclear Association