Barbara Fredrickson
Keynote SpeakerBarbara L.
Fredrickson, Ph.D. is Kenan Distinguished Professor of Psychology and
Neuroscience and Director of the Positive Emotions and Psychophysiology Lab
(a.k.a. PEP Lab) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
She received her Ph.D. in psychology from Stanford University, with a
minor in organizational behavior. Among the most highly cited and influential
scholars in psychology, her research is funded by the U.S. National Institutes
of Health (NCI, NIA, NCCAM, NIMH, NINR). Dr. Fredrickson has published
more than 100 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters and her general audience
books, Positivity (2009,
Crown, and Love 2.0 (2013, Penguin, have been translated into more than a dozen languages.
Dr. Fredrickson’s scholarly contributions have been recognized with numerous honors, including
the inaugural Templeton Prize in Positive Psychology from the American Psychological Association, the Career Trajectory Award from the Society of Experimental Social Psychology, and the inaugural Christopher Peterson Gold Medal from the International Positive Psychology Association, and she is beginning her term as President of the International Positive Psychology Association. Her work has influenced scholars and practitioners worldwide, within education, business, healthcare, the military, and beyond, and she is regularly invited to give keynotes nationally and internationally.
David Cooperrider
Keynote Speaker
David is the Fairmount | David L. Cooperrider Professor of Appreciative Inquiry at the Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University where he is faculty chair of the Fowler Center for Business as an Agent of World Benefit and Co-director of the Strategy Innovation Lab. David is best known for his pioneering theory on Appreciative Inquiry and has served as advisor to senior executives in business and societal leadership roles, including projects with five Presidents and Nobel Laureates such as William Jefferson Clinton, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Kofi Annan and others. David has served as strategic advisor to a wide variety of organizations including Apple, Verizon, Johnson & Johnson, the Boeing Corporation, National Grid, Smuckers, Sloan-Kettering, Fairmount Minerals, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, McKinsey, Parker Hannifin, Sherwin Williams, Dealer Tire, Wal-Mart as well as American Red Cross, American Hospital Association, Cleveland Clinic, and United Way.
David has published over 20 books and authored over 100 articles and book chapters and served as editor of both the Journal of Corporate Citizenship with Ron Fry and the current research series for Advances for Appreciative Inquiry, with Michel Avital. In 2010 David was awarded the Peter F. Drucker Distinguished Fellow by the Drucker School of Management—a designation recognizing his contribution to management thought. His books include Appreciative Inquiry: A Positive Revolution in Change (with Diana Whitney); The Organization Dimensions of Global Change (with Jane Dutton); Organizational Courage and Executive Wisdom (with Suresh Srivastva) and the 4-volume research series Advances in Appreciative Inquiry. In 2010 David was awarded the Peter F. Drucker Distinguished Fellow by the Drucker School of Management—a designation recognizing his contribution to management thought.
Most recently, Champlain College honored David with an academic center in his name. It is called the David L. Cooperrider for Appreciative Inquiry. For the center’s dedication Marty Seligman wrote: “David Cooperrider is a giant: a giant of discovery, a giant of dissemination, and a giant of generosity” while Harvard’s Jane Nelson at the Kennedy School of Leadership said: “David Cooperrider is one of the outstanding scholar-practitioners of our generation.”
Kim Cameron
Keynote Speaker

Dr. Cameron helped co-found the Center for Positive Organizational Scholarship at the University of Michigan, which in 2012 was awarded the Research Center Impact Award by the Academy of Management. This award recognizes researchers/research centers that have made a major impact on real world management practice.
Dr. Cameron's past research on organizational virtuousness, downsizing, effectiveness, quality culture, and the development of leadership excellence has been published in more than 120 academic articles and 15 scholarly books. He was recently recognized as being among the top 10 scholars in the organizational sciences whose work has been most frequently downloaded from Google. His current research focuses on the virtuousness of and in organizations, and their relationships to organizational success.
Dr. Cameron received BS and MS degrees from Brigham Young University and MA and PhD degrees from Yale University. He served on the National Research Council, was president of Bay Asset Funding Corporation, and was a Fulbright Distinguished Scholar. He is a graduate of Leadership Cleveland, Class of 2000 and a recipient of the Organizational Behavior Teaching Society's Outstanding Educator Award. He currently consults with a variety of business, government, and educational organizations in North America, South America, Asia, Africa, and Europe.
Lea Waters
Keynote SpeakerProfessor Lea
Waters is passionate about helping people, schools and organisations
Lea has been at the University of Melbourne for the past 19 years. She holds an Affiliate position with the Wellbeing Institute at Cambridge University (U.K) and the Centre for Positive Organizations, University of Michigan (U.S). She is on the Advisory Board for the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute. She was the Co-director of the 4th Australian Positive Psychology Conference and the Chair of the Scientific Committee for the Fourth World Congress for the International Positive Psychology Association Conference to be held in Orlando in 2015.
Lea works for the Melbourne Graduate School of Education (MGSE) at the University of Melbourne. Prior to her role within MGSE, she was a faculty member in the School of Business and Commerce at the University of Melbourne for 12 years where she was the Deputy Director of the Masters in Applied Commerce. Lea is a known expert in the areas of Organisational Change, Organisational Psychology and Positive Psychology.
Lea is internationally recognised for her research and has published and presented in the United Kingdom, Canada, U.S.A., Asia and Europe. In 2004 she was awarded the Best Paper Award at the highly prestigious American Academy of Management Conference. In addition, in 2005 she was awarded the Elton Mayo Prize by the Australian College of Organisational Psychologists in recognition of her significant contributions to the field of organisational psychology. She is included in the Marquis Who’s Who in the World for her outstanding research (2009-2014).
Lea is an invited speaker for many International Conferences and Colloquia Series such as the Canadian Positive Psychology Association, University of Pennsylvania; University of Michigan; Hong Kong Polytechnic University; International Positive Psychology Association and the European Network for Positive Psychology. She has been a guest lecturer in the Masters in Applied Positive Psychology at the University of East London and University of Pennsylvania.
In Australia, Lea was an invited
speaker at the Second Australian Positive Psychology and Well-being Conference
(2010); Second Australian Positive Psychology in Education Symposium (2011);
the Inaugural Australian Positive Education Conference ( 2013); the Positive
Education Schools Association Conference (2013); the Australian College of
Education Conference (2013); the Australasian
Association of International Baccalaurette Schools; Centre for Ethics at Newington College; Mind and its Potential
Conference; Festival of Ideas Conference; Educate Plus and the Good
Caroline Adams Miller
Keynote Speaker
Caroline has been featured in hundreds of magazines, newspapers and other media around the world for several decades, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA Today, US News and World Report, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR and CNN. She was the first Positive Psychology expert to bring coaching and happiness to satellite radio via XM with her “Positive Tip of the Day”.
Caroline’s TEDx Talk on grit, “The Moments That Make Champions” has received more than 11,000 views. Angela Duckworth, winner of the 2013 MacArthur Fellowship for developing the Grit Scale, said about the presentation, “Beautiful talk by a paragon of grit! Bravo, Caroline!” Caroline’s keynotes and workshops inspire and empower her audiences to set and accomplish goals by using their grit … thus being more successful and happy both in their work and life. Past clients have included: Young Presidents’ Organization, Edward Jones, Heartland Coaches Association, Columbia University, National Press Club and American Society of Journalist and Authors.
Veronica Huta
Invited Speaker
hedonia, elevation, and meaning, and works on developing an integrated theoretical model of the
eudaimonia-hedonia distinction in the domains of well-being orientations, experiences, and
functioning. She teaches courses in positive psychology and advanced statistics, and is one of the
top rated instructors in her faculty. She is a co-founder of the Canadian Positive Psychology
Association, she co-organized the first cross-disciplinary conference on eudaimonia, and has
recently been interviewed for a book on the world’s leading women in positive psychology
Louis J. Alloro
Invited SpeakerComing Soon