Get the most for your training dollars with this exceptional "three-in-one" course.
The course text includes:- Fossil Power Plant Chemistry
- Scrubber Chemistry
- Boiler Chemical Cleaning
Designed to provide fossil plant personnel with an understanding of the chemistry principles related to:
- System chemistry control
- Water treatment
- Analytical methods
Subjects of interest include:
- Fundamental power plant chemistry
- Fundamental corrosion control
- The chemistry associated with boiler chemical cleaning
- The flue gas scrubbing system chemical process
In Addition, guidelines for chemistry control programs such as:
- Frequency of analyses
- Chemistry specifications and limits
- Data evaluation
Complete Course Outline
Click here to view the complete course outline in Adobe Acrobat .pdf format. You may print the document from your screen or right click and select "Save Target As" to download a copy to your computer. If you don't have the free Adobe Acrobat viewer, click here to visit the Adobe site and download it.