This is an intensive four-day laboratory QA/QC practices course featuring the information and techniques you need to establish and maintain a successful power plant laboratory QA/QC program. You will take home the tools and information you need to:
- Develop your own defensible laboratory QA/QC program...
- A2LA
- Standard Methods
- ISO 9000
- Evaluate your existing laboratory QA/QC program...
- How your program stacks up to the requirements
- Specific case-study data for in-class lectures
- Specific areas in need of improvements
- Support your existing QA/QC program...
- Determination of significant bias (shifting mean)
- Determination of persuasive bias (mean shift beyond 1 sigma)
- Determination of significant trends (patterns)
- Answer those difficult QA/QC questions once and for all...
- Calibration of instruments
- Precision checks of analytical methods
- Accuracy checks for analytical methods
- Certification of analytical competence
- Analysis of external standards
by satisfying the requirements of:
by performing a detailed assessment to determine:
by developing statistically-based protocols for the:
by specifying detailed methodologies for:
Complete Course Outline
Click here to view the complete course outline in Adobe Acrobat .pdf format. You may print the document from your screen or right click and select "Save Target As" to download a copy to your computer. If you don't have the free Adobe Acrobat viewer, click here to visit the Adobe site and download it.