Dear Participants,
It is our great pleasure to welcome you on behalf of the scientific committee to the joined 5th annual meeting of the International Society for Forensic Radiology and Imaging (ISFRI) and the 11th Anniversary Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Radiographers (IAFR) which will be held in Amsterdam from May 12th – 14th 2016.
Forensic radiology and imaging plays an increasingly important role in forensic medicine and science. Research and education in this exciting and innovating field therefore have a central place in our meeting. Groups from all over the world will report on recent data and on ongoing studies.
The meeting will be held in the Academic Medical Center Amsterdam (AMC), one of the foremost research institutions in The Netherlands, as well as one of its largest hospitals. The AMC complex houses the university hospital and the faculty of medicine of the University of Amsterdam as well as the Emma Children’s Hospital. This concentration of expertise makes the AMC a breeding ground for fruitful scientific collaboration. Lectures for the ISFRI/IAFR annual meeting will be held in one of the main lecture halls while poster presentations, exhibits and breaks will be held in a second lecture hall.
As always the spirit of the meeting is one of collegiality and respect. The joined annual meeting of the ISFRI and IAFR offers the participants the chance to meet old and new friends, to strengthen bonds and to start collaborations.
We wish for you an exciting experience in Amsterdam. It is our personal goal to interact with each of you individually during the meeting.
Best regards,
Prof. Rick R. van Rijn, MD. PhD. Chair ISFRI
On behalf of the scientific committee