TOPFAS Training Course



The whole of the NC3A building with the exception of the restaurant is a Class II Security Area.


Visitors who have a NATO SECRET Personal Security Clearance will receive an NC3A UNESCORTED Visitors Badge.  All other visitors will receive an ESCORTED Visitors Badge.  Visitors will receive a Visitors Security Badge on arrival at NC3A and upon presentation of their NATO Security Pass/ID card or valid Passport.


Please note that if your meeting is:



You can only attend with a valid security clearance and you need to comply with the following:

-          Delegates from NATO bodies are to submit proof of their security clearance by submitting this clearance through their Security Officer.

-          Any other delegate (from e.g. a company) should prove their clearance level by sending a Request for Visit (RfV) through their National Security Authority to NC3A (not for US attendees).

-          US Military and US Civil Servants should fax their security details directly to the US Mission to NATO, The Hague (tel: + 31 (0)70 3743907; fax +31 (0)70 3743919).

-          USA delegates from Industry should send their security clearance to the Defence Industrial Clearance Office (DISCO), Columbus, Ohio (tel: (614)8271650). The DISCO will forward to NC3A.

          ***Special note: without a valid security clearance, access to this meeting at NC3A will be denied.


Arrangements for sending clearances are the same as under point (a.) above.  However, delegates who do not have a security clearance shall complete and sign a copy of a NATO Certificate of Security Obligation at the opening of the meeting.




There is no need for a NATO Security Clearance.  However, delegates who have a security clearance are requested to forward it to NC3A to prevent delays on arrival.  Those without Security Clearance will be issued with an Escorted Badge on arrival.