2016 Texas State Independent Living Conference Innovate

Standard Audio Visual Equipment for each session room will be:

  • Podium
  • Lavaliere microphone
  • LCD projector
  • Laptop computer with PowerPoint

Note: Session rooms will NOT have internet access unless required and arranged for in advance of conference.


Working with your Facilitator

Plan to be in the session room at least 10 minutes before the session is scheduled to begin to review and test the audio visual equipment and to coordinate any final particulars with the facilitator and any other speakers/panel presenters. Inform your facilitator how you prefer to handle questions—at the end of your presentation or throughout the session. The facilitator will direct the audience prior to the beginning of your presentation with rules of engagement for the session.


Keys to an effective presentation

  • Keep visuals simple, concise and visible.
  • Be conscious of jargon and acronyms
  • Use the microphone provided.
  • Be available following your presentation, either in the session room or outside in the foyer if the room is to be used for another presentation. A new "hub" in the exhibit hall will extend the opportunities for interaction.
  • No COMMERCIALS PLEASE! The purpose of the conference sessions is to educate attendees. Remember, the best advertisement is to deliver a relevant, timely presentation.


Suggestions for Panelists

  • Talk with the facilitator in advance and get together with the other panelists (in person or by conference call) to go over proposed topics and discussion points. Familiarize yourself with important points other speakers will be covering.
  • Panel sessions should be a lively exchange that stimulates participant discussion. Panelists may disagree, however, please avoid being argumentative, engaging in personal attacks or making inside jokes.