HIMSS AsiaPac16 Conference & Exhibition

The HIMSS-Elsevier Digital Healthcare Award aims to identify and recognize organizations in Asia Pacific that leverage on health information technology to successfully improve quality of care and patient safety.

The award has been successfully run in the last 3 years in the Asia Pacific Region and has been extended to the Middle East and Europe regions as well.

Award Categories

Outstanding ICT Achievement Award

  • To recognize outstanding achievement in harnessing ICT to provide significant improvement to patient care and safety.
  • The ICT solution adopted may not be new but it has been effectively used by the awarded hospitals to significantly improve patient care and outcome and/or address major challenges faced by the hospitals.
  • Other limiting factors like the hospital financial background, the niche community that the hospital is serving, the long-standing problem that the target population is facing, etc…will also be taken into consideration.

Outstanding ICT Innovation Award

  • To recognize the most innovative, creative and "out-of-the-box" ICT solutions used to improve patient care and safety.
  • Innovation can be in the form of leveraging on existing technology to come up with new and creative usage of ICT to significantly enhance patient care and outcome OR developing a ground-breaking technology that leads the way in ICT adoption.

Past recipients include: Peking University People’s Hospital (China), Shanghai East Hospital (China), Prince of Wales Hospital (Hong Kong), Tseung Kwan O Hospital (Hong Kong), Apollo Hospitals Enterprise (India), Seoul National University Bundang Hospital (Korea), Changi General Hospital (Singapore), National Cancer Centre (Singapore) and Tan Tock Seng Hospital (Singapore), KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital (Singapore), National University Hospital (Singapore), Aarogyasri Healthcare Trust (India), St. Stephen's Hospital, Uniting Care Health (Australia) and Shanghai Children’s Medical Center (China).

The recipients were recognized for health IT excellence, from improving medication supply processes to creating new systems and processes to enhance accessibility of information, all of which ultimately are aimed at improving patient safety and quality of care.

Award recipients will be announced and honored at the exclusive HIMSS-Elsevier Awards Dinner.

Awarding Date and Venue (by invitation only)

Date: Monday, 23 August 2016

Time: 18:30 Cocktail Reception

           19:30 Dinner

Venue: Grande Centre Point Terminal 21 Sukhumvit 2 & 3

For enquiries about HIMSS - Elsevier Digital Healthcare Award 2016, please email Mr. Sam Ong at cfong@himss.org.

HIMSS-Elsevier Digital Healthcare Awards