Realizing the challenges companies face in securing talent for their workforce, we offer your company the opportunity to interview top-level professionals and college students during the
Speed Interview Session
on Tuesday, May 24, 2016 8:00am-10:00am during ANTEC® 2016.
Does the Speed Interview Session Work?
For the
small registration fee of $75 your company can reserve a table in the Speed Interview Session OR new this
year reserve a table plus post your job for 90 days on SPE’s Career
Center for $175. Speed Interview attendees will interview at each
company table for five minutes, and then move to the next table when the
whistle blows. Interviews will be assigned based on a system matching the attendee’s
career track to the company's talent needs.
All attending ANTEC® 2016 are asked to register, submit a résumé and bring 35 copies to the event.
Questions please contact Sue Wojnicki