McKinsey & Company is the world's leading top management consultancy, currently with 8.500 consultants across the globe. Our clients include the majority of the 100 largest industrial corporations in the world. We serve a broad spectrum of retailers and consumer-product manufacturers on strategic, organizational, and operational topics. Food, beverage, personal care, paper products, durable goods, and household products companies rely on our expertise. We also work with apparel and luxury retailers, wholesalers and manufacturers globally. Our Apparel, Fashion & Luxury Practice focuses on Luxury, Fast Fashion, and Multichannel and works for clients in all geographies and functional areas. |
Luxury Society, headquartered in Paris, is the world's most influential online community of senior luxury executives. With over 30,000 members in more than 150 countries, Luxury Society informs and connects industry leaders through a mix of sharply curated content and intimate events, produced in partnership with leading organizations such as Bloomberg and Google. |
Walpole British Luxury protects, promotes and provides resources to the industry by harnessing the collective knowledge and experience of its membership, composed of over 170 of Britain's most prestigious luxury brands and cultural institutions. Walpole does this through the exchange of best practice ideas; by developing industry insights, events, networking and thought leadership; lobbying the UK government and the EU; and staging educational and mentoring programmes to safeguard the future of the sector. |
Luxury Daily is the world's leading luxury business publication covering the marketing, media, digital and retail efforts of luxury brands and retailers. Supported by several summits and webinars, the New York-based title is read by decision makers from luxury brands, luxury retailers, ad agencies, publishers, analyst firms and service providers. |
Since its creation 150 years ago, the Société des Bains de Mer has made a name for itself as a pioneer in the world of luxury tourism. Through its “Monte-Carlo” brand, synonymous with sheer enchantment, it runs establishments in the Principality of Monaco renowned worldwide for their excellence: Le Casino de Monte-Carlo, Hôtel de Paris, Hôtel Hermitage, Louis XV-Alain Ducasse, Les Thermes Marins Monte-Carlo, and Le Jimmy’z, to mention just the most famous. |
The Altagamma Foundation gathers the Italian Companies of international renown, operating in the highest segment of the market, expressing Italian style and culture in their products and management approach and distinguishing themselves through innovation, quality, service, design and prestige. The Foundation's objective is to affirm the excellence of Altagamma companies while promoting Italian style and culture throughout the world. |