106th IAI Annual Educational Conference

CHI Health Convention Center

Sunday, July 31, 2022 - Saturday, August 6, 2022

The IAI Annual Educational Conference is the largest organized event in the world that provides a full week of high quality, cutting edge education and hands on training in forensic physical evidence examination and crime scene processing. Register now to ensure you experience all the IAI Conference has to offer!

Register Now


Here are some answers to some frequently asked questions:

What are the different categories for Conference Registration?
Click on the Registration Options Tab to view the different registration types that are available and the costs.
IAI members have a reduced conference rate, how do I become an IAI member?
Go to the main IAI website (www.theiai.org) and view the membership requirements under the Membership tab.
Does attendance at the IAI qualify me to be a forensic expert?
Attending an IAI Conference is a valuable part of forensic continuing education, it does not alone qualify one as an expert.
What events occur at the conference in addition to the Educational Program?
See the ‘Events’ filter for details.
How do I find lectures, workshops, and meetings?
Visit the agenda page and sort by the type of presentation and discipline you are looking for.
How do I print a hard copy of the lectures and workshops?
Use the filters to narrow down to the presentations you are interested in and print from your laptop
Do I have to register for particular lectures?
No, all lectures are available for you to choose to attend, and no preregistration is required for lectures.
Do I have to register for workshops?
Yes, all workshops (starting with a W followed by a numerical code ex: W092) require preregistration and additional fees.
Where can I find Poster Presentation information?
For General Poster Information: Professional Poster For Student Poster Information: Student Poster and to Apply for the Poster Session before June 30th:

How can I find out information about the Photo Contest?
For information about the photo contest: Photo Contest 
When will the Mobile App version be available?
About two weeks before the conference the Mobile App for the conference agenda will open, and you will be able to choose and display your own program.
How do I become involved as a presenter in the future?
Look for the proposal applications to open in January and February of the year of each conference. Applications are available on the main IAI website at that time (www.theiai.org)
Where can I find information about instructor support?
Please contact Lesley Hammer at iaiedplanner@gmail.com