106th IAI Annual Educational Conference

CHI Health Convention Center

Sunday, July 31, 2022 - Saturday, August 6, 2022

The IAI Annual Educational Conference is the largest organized event in the world that provides a full week of high quality, cutting edge education and hands on training in forensic physical evidence examination and crime scene processing. Register now to ensure you experience all the IAI Conference has to offer!

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Conference Agenda and Events

The conference begins on Sunday July 31, 2022 with registration and evening receptions. The educational program begins Monday morning with opening ceremonies and a key note speaker. Workshops and lectures begin immediately following and continue until 4 pm Friday August 5, 2022. Below is a list of special events for your planning purposes.

New Workshops have been added to the Program


Event Lecture
Meeting Poster Presentation
Student Program Testing

Saturday, July 30, 2022
8:00 am - 5:00 pmCastle Room - HiltonIAI
Board of Directors (Board Members Only) [More Info]
8:00 am - 5:00 pmHerndon - HiltonCSI
Crime Scene Certification Board (Board Members Only) [More Info]
8:00 am - 5:00 pmWashington City - HiltonLPI
Latent Print Certification Board (Board Members Only) [More Info]
10:00 am - 5:00 pmCozzens - HiltonTPI
Ten Print Certification Board (Board Members Only) [More Info]
Sunday, July 31, 2022
8:00 am - 5:00 pmCozzens - HiltonTPI
Ten Print Certification Board (Board Members Only) [More Info]
8:00 am - 5:00 pmCastle Room - HiltonIAI
Board of Directors (Board Members Only) [More Info]
8:00 am - 5:00 pmWashington City - HiltonLPI
Latent Print Certification Board (Board Members Only) [More Info]
8:00 am - 5:00 pmHerndon - HiltonCSI
Crime Scene Certification Board (Board Members Only) [More Info]
1:00 pm - 5:00 pmPaxton - HiltonPHO
Forensic Photography and Imaging Certification Board (Board Members Only) [More Info]
1:00 pm - 6:00 pmMerchants - HiltonBPA
Bloodstain Pattern Analyst Certification Board (Board Members Only) [More Info]
7:00 pm - 9:00 pmBallroom A - CHI
President's Reception
Monday, August 1, 2022
6:45 am - 7:45 amPaxton - HiltonIAI
Science and Practice Committee Chairs Conference Opening Meeting (S&P Chairs Only) [More Info]
7:30 am - 8:30 amNo locationIAI
Continental Grab and Go Breakfast
8:00 am - 5:00 pmPrague - HiltonIAI
OSAC Subcommittee Work Room [More Info]
8:45 am - 11:45 amBallroom C - CHIIAI
Opening Ceremony, Group Photo & Book Signing
10:30 am - 12:30 pmHerndon - HiltonCSI
Crime Scene Certification Board (Board Members Only) [More Info]
11:00 am - 1:00 pm211/212 - Chi Presenter's Registration Desk
Forensic Photography and Imaging Science and Practice Committee (Committee Members Only) [More Info]
12:00 pm - 4:00 pmCastle Room - HiltonIAI
Board Of Directors (Board Members Only) [More Info]
12:15 pm - 1:30 pmFlatiron - HiltonTPI
Ten Print Science and Practice Subcommittee (Committee Members Only) [More Info]
12:30 pm - 1:00 pmBallroom A - CHICSI
Interagency Comparison Study on Crime Scene Processing Utilizing Virtual Reality [More Info]
Speaker: John Grassel, Forensic Science Program Manager, RTI International
Speaker: Jaclynn McKay, Forensic Scientist, RTI International
12:30 pm - 4:00 pmSt. Nicholas A - HiltonLPIIntermediate Level
W191 - Universal Latent Workstation (ULW) Software Workshop [More Info]
Speaker: Melissa Halpenny, Training Instructor, FBI
12:30 pm - 4:00 pm207 - CHILPIBeginning Level
W164 - Orientation and Smart Searching [More Info]
Speaker: Mike Jordahl, Senior Consultant, Ron Smith & Associates
Speaker: Lauren Smith, Senior Consultant, Ron Smith & Associates
12:30 pm - 4:30 pmMurray - HiltonARTBeginning Level
W103 - Drawing Basics of Adult Age Progression [More Info]
Speaker: Duncan Way, Forensic Artist, Ontario Provincial Police
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm206 - CHILPIIntermediate Level
W156 - Comparison of Plantar Friction Ridge Impressions [More Info]
Speaker: Jon Stimac, Forensic Instructor, Dactell Innovations
1:00 pm - 1:30 pmBallroom C - CHIPRO
Overcoming Your Fear of Public Speaking [More Info]
Speaker: John Black, Forensic Consultant, Black & White Forensics, LLC
1:00 pm - 1:40 pmBallroom B - CHILPI
A New Twist on Something Old: Assessing LATENT PRINTS from Identical Twins [More Info]
Speaker: Glenn Langenburg, Forensic Scientist, Elite Forensic Services, LLC
Speaker: Alice White, Owner, Evolve Forensics
1:00 pm - 1:50 pm213 - CHIDME
Beyond the pinch and zoom. How understanding interpolation affects all image and video examinations. [More Info]
Speaker: Melissa Kimbrell, Technical Support Specialist, Amped Software USA Inc.
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm214 - CHILPD
A Novel Use of Ninhydrin for Thermal Paper Processing [More Info]
Speaker: Joshua Connelly, Latent Print Examiner, Douglas County Sheriff's Office
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm215/216 - CHIIAI
CFSO Update [More Info]
Speaker: Kenneth Martin, Retired as a Detective Lieutenant
1:00 pm - 4:00 pmSt. Nicholas B - HiltonBIS
W106 - Fingerprints & Palms: Analysis, Comparison & Matching using CSIpix (Industry Conducted Workshop) [More Info]
Speaker: Rodney Hale, VP Product Development, CSIpix
Speaker: John Guzzwell, VP, Professional Engineer, CSIpix
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm210 - CHICSIBeginning Level
W114 - Critical Triage for Investigations – Getting Realtime Crime Gun Intelligence in Minutes [More Info]
Speaker: Ronald Nichols, Dir. of Research/Development, Evidence IQ & Firearm & Toolmark Examiner & Retired ATF, Evidence IQ (Retired ATF/Firearms & Toolmark Examiner)
Speaker: John Risenhoover, Dir. Of Business Development, Evidence IQ & Retired ATF, NIBIN Natl. Coordinator, Evidence IQ (Retired ATF/National NIBIN Coordinator)
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm201 - CHICSIIntermediate Level
W115 - Documenting Laser Trajectories & BlueStar Treated Evidence Using in-camera Double Exposures [More Info]
Speaker: Ruben Villarreal, Police Officer/C.C.S.I., El Paso Police Department
Speaker: Ludovico Granillo, Police Officer/Crime Scene Investigator, El Paso Police Department
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm202 - CHIFWTBeginning Level
W132 - Advanced structured light 3D imaging technologies for impression capture [More Info]
Speaker: Song Zhang, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University
Speaker: David Baldwin, R&D manager and physical chemist , Special Technologies Laboratory (USDOE/NNSA)
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm205 - CHIPHOAdvanced Level
W170 - Alternate Light Sources in Forensic Photography and Imaging [More Info]
Speaker: Michael Hullihan, Senior Instructor, Forensics and Special Investigative Skills, DHS-FLETC
Speaker: David Doglietto, Certified Crime Scene Analyst, Greenfield Police Department, California
1:00 pm - 4:00 pmBlackstone B- HiltonGENIntermediate Level
W142 - Understanding Bias & Error in Forensics [More Info]
Speaker: Deborah Smith, Latent Print Supervisor, Fort Worth Police Department Crime Laboratory
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm203 - CHILPDBeginning Level
W148 - Imaging Porous Fingerprint Evidence: Using innovative new techniques to streamline the examination of paper evidence for fingerprints (Industry Conducted Workshop) [More Info]
Speaker: Roberto King, Chief Technology Officer, foster + freeman
Speaker: Madison O'Donnell, Technical Sales Specialist, foster+freeman
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm204 - CHICSIBeginning Level
W200-1 Crime Scene Investigation Series - Crime Scene Processing / Mock Crime Scene [More Info]
Speaker: Tim Burt, Lt. Law Enforcement Training Specialist, NH Police Standards and Training
Speaker: Kathi Young, Forensic Technician II, Alaska State Troopers
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm209 - CHIDMEBeginning Level
W123 - Camera Match Overlay – 2D images to 3D Point Clouds [More Info]
Speaker: Kyp Stavrou, CEO and Certified Forensic Examiner , Complete Digital Forensic Solutions, Inc.
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm208 - CHIFACBeginning Level
W131 - Overview of Facial Examination [More Info]
Speaker: Lora Sims, Director, Face Center of Excellence (FaCE) and Biometrics SME , Ideal Innovations, Inc.
Speaker: Chelcey Tyre, Sr. Face Examination Trainer , Ideal Innovations, Inc.
1:00 pm - 5:00 pmWashington City - Hilton
Latent Print Certification Board (Board Members Only) [More Info]
1:15 pm - 2:45 pmBallroom A - CHICSI
Six Shootings in Sixty Minutes [More Info]
Speaker: Richard Hough, Professor, East Tennessee State University
1:30 pm - 2:30 pmFlatiron - HiltonTPI
Ten Print Certification Board (Members Only) [More Info]
1:45 pm - 2:45 pmBallroom C - CHIGEN
International forensic practice: an experiential perspective [More Info]
Speaker: Ivan Birch, Forensic Gait Analyst, FGA Services
1:50 pm - 2:30 pmBallroom B - CHILPI
Automated Quality Metrics and Probabilistic Models in Friction Ridge Examination: A Practical Guide to Implementation [More Info]
Speaker: Henry Swofford, Principal Forensic Analyst, HJS Consulting, LLC
2:00 pm - 2:30 pm213 - CHIDME
GNSS: Using Satellites to Accurately Map Your Evidence [More Info]
Speaker: Chris Lutes, Training Coordinator, Trimble, Inc
2:15 pm - 3:00 pm215/216 - CHIIAI
Organization of Scientific Area Committees (OSAC) General Update [More Info]
Speaker: Stephen Greene, Senior Scientist , US Customs and Border Protection
2:30 pm - 3:30 pmFlatiron - HiltonTPI
Ten Print Joint Certification and Science and Practice Subcommittee (Committee / Board Members Only) [More Info]
2:30 pm - 4:00 pm214 - CHIFWT
From Shoes to Clues: A Look at the Current and Future States of Footwear Intelligence in the U.S. [More Info]
Speaker: Brian McVicker, Forensic Examiner, FBI Laboratory
Speaker: John Grassel, Forensic Science Program Manager, RTI International
3:00 pm - 3:20 pm213 - CHIDME
OSAC VITAL Update [More Info]
Speaker: Christina Malone, Digital Evidence Examiner, Defense Forensic Science Center
Speaker: Lora Sims, Director, Face Center of Excellence (FaCE) and Biometrics SME , Ideal Innovations, Inc.
3:00 pm - 4:00 pmBallroom C - CHIGEN
The Samantha Hopper Cold Case [More Info]
Speaker: Erick Riggs, Criminal Investigator / Major Crimes , Pope County Sheriff's Office. Arkansas
3:00 pm - 4:00 pmBallroom B - CHILPI
The Chuck Norris Rule [More Info]
Speaker: Mack Brazelle, Fingerprint Specialist, TIGTA
3:00 pm - 4:00 pmPaxton - HiltonIAI
International Aspects Committee (Committee Members Only) [More Info]
3:00 pm - 4:00 pmBallroom A - CHICSI
Courtroom Testimony for Crime Scene Investigators [More Info]
Speaker: Jonesta Nolan, Crime Scene Supervisor, Grand Prairie Police Department
3:15 pm - 4:00 pm215/216 - CHIGEN
Overview of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Laboratories and Scientific Services (LSS) and its Forward Operating Laboratories (FOLs) [More Info]
Speaker: Jonathan McGrath, Technical Advisor, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Laboratories and Scientific Services
Speaker: Stephen Greene, Senior Scientist , US Customs and Border Protection
Speaker: Starr Douglas, Latent Fingerprint Specialist, US Customs and Border Patrol
3:30 pm - 4:00 pm213 - CHIDME
The FBI's Field Audio Video Program [More Info]
Speaker: Jenna Walker, Video Communications Specialist, Federal Bureau of Investigation
4:00 pm - 7:00 pmCHI Center Exhibit Hall BIAI
Exhibit Grand Opening and Reception
4:00 pm - 7:00 pmExhibit Hall B - CHI
Exhibit Hall Open [More Info]
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm204 - CHICSIS
Crime Scene Investigation Series Instructor Meeting (CSIS Instructors Only) [More Info]
5:00 pm - 6:00 pmHerndon - HiltonCSI
Crime Scene Certification Board (Board Members Only) [More Info]
Tuesday, August 2, 2022
7:00 am - 9:00 amBlackstone A - HiltonIAI
Forensic Certification Management Board (All FCMB and CB Members) [More Info]
7:00 am - 1:00 pm207 - CHILPIBeginning Level
W152B - (NEW) Beginner/Intermediate Latent Print Comparisons [More Info]
Speaker: Michele Smith, Crime Scene Unit Supervisor, Louisiana State Police Crime Laboratory
8:00 am - 8:40 am214 - CHIDNA
Trace DNA: A Review [More Info]
Speaker: Ashlie Roederer, Forensic Evidence Specialist, VA Dept of Forensic Science
8:00 am - 8:45 am215/216 - CHIGEN
National Institute of Justice Research and Development Programs: Implementation and Impact [More Info]
Speaker: Dr. Johnathan McGrath, CBP Liason to NIJ, National Institute of Justice
8:00 am - 8:50 am213 - CHIFAC
Crash Course - How Do I Become an Expert for Facial Identification [More Info]
Speaker: Nicola Kuret, Captain , State Office of Criminal investigation headquartered in Stuttgart Baden-Württemberg
8:00 am - 9:30 amBallroom A - CHICSI
Killing Spree: 2 Seemingly Unrelated Murders [More Info]
Speaker: Tracy Grice, Forensic Services Supervisor, Lakeland Police Dept.
Speaker: Christopher Voss, Crime Scene Technician, Lakeland Police Department
8:00 am - 9:30 amBallroom C - CHIGEN
Using insects in your investigation: An introduction to forensic entomology [More Info]
Speaker: Lauren Weidner, Assistant Professor of Forensic Entomology, Forensic Entomologist, Arizona State University
Speaker: Krystal Hans, Assistant Professor of Forensic Entomology, Forensic Entomologist, Purdue University
8:00 am - 9:30 amBallroom B - CHILPI
Development of Standards and Best Practice Recommendations for Friction Ridge evidence: Update from the OSAC Friction Ridge Subcommittee and ASB Friction Ridge Consensus Body. [More Info]
Speaker: Henry Swofford, Principal Forensic Analyst, HJS Consulting, LLC
Speaker: Heidi Eldridge, Research Forensic Scientist, RTI International
8:00 am - 11:00 amCastle Room - HiltonIAI
Nominating Committee [More Info]
8:00 am - 11:00 amWashington City - HiltonLPI
Latent Print Science and Practice Subcommittee (Committee Members Only) [More Info]
8:00 am - 12:00 pm209 - CHICSIIntermediate Level
W109 - Building Better CSI's: Developing Robust Field Training Programs [More Info]
Speaker: Daniel DellaSala, Sergeant CSI, Harris County Sheriff's Office
Speaker: Sean Simpson, Crime Scene Investigator, Harris County Sheriff's Office
8:00 am - 12:00 pm201 - CHICSIIntermediate Level
W110A - Chemical use to Enhance and Detect Bloodstains [More Info]
Speaker: Sharon Plotkin, Assistant Professor, Miami Dade College
8:00 am - 12:00 pm210 - CHICSIIntermediate Level
W111 - An Introduction to the Automatic and Objective Firearm Evidence Identification [More Info]
Speaker: John Song, Researcher, NIST
8:00 am - 12:00 pm202 - CHIFWTIntermediate Level
W133 - Footwear Comparisons for Beginners to Experienced Examiners [More Info]
Speaker: Alicia Wilcox, Associate Professor, Thomas College
Speaker: Kent Timothy, Forensic Examiner, City of Henderson, Nevada
8:00 am - 12:00 pm208 - CHILPIIntermediate Level
W159- Forged and Fabricated Prints: From Creation to Detection [More Info]
Speaker: Hilary Werner, Forensic Scientist, Phoenix Police Department
Speaker: Erik Sahlin, Forensic Scientist, Phoenix Police Department
8:00 am - 12:00 pm203 - CHI
W902 - (NEW) Bloodstain Patterns: Size, Shape and Surface Considerations [More Info]
Speaker: Jan Johnson, Forensic Specialist, CSCSA, Forensic Pieces Inc.
Speaker: Brett Dorretti, Instructor
8:00 am - 12:00 pmMurray - HiltonCSIBeginning Level
W112 A- Crime Scene Metal Detector Operations [More Info]
Speaker: John Volek, Police Lieutenant, Sugar Land Police Department
8:00 am - 12:00 pmHill - HiltonGENIntermediate Level
W137 - From scans to scores [More Info]
Speaker: Heike Hofmann`, Professor, CSAFE & Department of Statistics, Iowa State University
Speaker: Susan Vanderplas, Assistant Professor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
8:00 am - 12:00 pm204 - CHICSIBeginning Level
W201 - Crime Scene Investigation Series - Photography [More Info]
Speaker: Michael Hullihan, Senior Instructor, Forensics and Special Investigative Skills, DHS-FLETC
8:00 am - 12:00 pm205 - CHIPHOBeginning Level
W171 - Capturing usable 3D data from mobile devices and SLR images. [More Info]
Speaker: Kyp Stavrou, CEO and Certified Forensic Examiner , Complete Digital Forensic Solutions, Inc.
8:00 am - 12:00 pmSt. Nicholas B - HiltonDMEBeginning Level
W124 - Cellular Analysis & Multimedia Exploitation Operations - CAMEO Basic [More Info]
Speaker: Luis DeJesus, Special Agent, FBI
Speaker: Matt Jones, Video Communications Specialist, FBI
Speaker: Kimberly Meline, Forensic Examiner, FBI
Speaker: Johnathon Hoyt, Special Agent, FBI
8:00 am - 12:00 pm206 - CHILPIIntermediate Level
W158- Fingertips: Comparing Extreme Distal Impressions [More Info]
Speaker: Jon Stimac, Forensic Instructor, Dactell Innovations
8:00 am - 5:00 pmMercer - HiltonTPIIntermediate Level
W179 - Instructors Course, Train the Trainer, Recording Friction Ridge Detail. [More Info]
Speaker: Robert Grant, Lt. in charge of CSI (Retired) PD, Pensacola, FL., Pensacola Police Depart. (Retired)
8:00 am - 5:00 pmPrague - HiltonIAI
OSAC Subcommittee Work Room [More Info]
9:00 am - 9:20 am214 - CHIDNA
Nebraska Untested Sexual Assault Kits – Progress Report [More Info]
Speaker: Samantha Hobson-Aldana, Forensic Scientist II, Nebraska State Patrol Crime Laboratory
9:00 am - 9:30 am213 - CHIFAC
OSAC FI Sub & FISWG Update 2022 [More Info]
Speaker: Jane Harris, Director of the Forensic Research Outdoor Station (FROST), Northern Michigan University
Speaker: Lora Sims, Director, Face Center of Excellence (FaCE) and Biometrics SME , Ideal Innovations, Inc.
9:00 am - 9:45 am215/216 - CHILPD
Fingermark development from fired ammunition - some learnings, some musings  [More Info]
Speaker: Roberto King, Chief Technology Officer, foster + freeman
9:00 am - 7:00 pmExhibit Hall B - CHI
Exhibit Hall Open [More Info]
9:30 am - 10:00 am214 - CHIDNA
Fluorescent Dyeing of Hair Roots for nDNA Eligibility: Validation, Procedure, and Implementation [More Info]
Speaker: Tracy Adams, Criminalist III, Trace Evidence, Missouri State Highway Patrol
9:50 am - 10:20 am213 - CHIFAC
Facial Recognition Technology in Los Angeles: Revisited [More Info]
Speaker: Mark Dolfi, Facial Recognition and Identification Trainer Agency - LA County Regional Identification System, Los Angeles County Regional Identification System
10:00 am - 12:00 pmPaxton - HiltonFWT
Footwear and Tire Track Science and Practice Subcommittee (Committee Members Only) [More Info]
10:30 am - 11:15 am214 - CHIBPA
BPA OSAC Update [More Info]
Speaker: Holly Latham
10:30 am - 11:20 amBallroom A - CHICSI
Bringing your crime scene into the future: 3D scanners, drones, and virtual reality [More Info]
Speaker: Amy Lesan, Deputy Sheriff, Lancaster County Sheriff's Office
10:30 am - 11:20 amBallroom B - CHILPI
Preparing for a Motion to Exclude Latent Fingerprint Testimony [More Info]
Speaker: Kathryn Lamb, Senior Latent Print Examiner, Raleigh/Wake City-County Bureau of Identification
10:30 am - 11:30 amBallroom C - CHILPD
Recovering blood impressions and semen smears from decedent skin during the early stages of decomposition [More Info]
Speaker: Jessica Zarate, Assistant Professor, Madonna University
Speaker: Jane Harris, Director of the Forensic Research Outdoor Station (FROST), Northern Michigan University
10:30 am - 12:00 pm213 - CHIFAC
Use of Image Analysis and Facial Recognition to Help Identify the Iwo Jima Flag Raisers [More Info]
Speaker: Richard Vorder Bruegge, Senior Physical Scientist, Federal Bureau of Investigation
10:30 am - 12:00 pmHerndon - HiltonDNA
DNA Provisional Science and Practice Committee (Committee Members Only) [More Info]
10:30 am - 12:00 pm215/216 - CHIBIS
Panel Discussion on Automated Biometric Identification Systems (ABIS) Interoperability [More Info]
Speaker: Michael French, Chair, Biometric Information Services Subcommittee
Chair: Michael French, Chair, Biometric Information Services Subcommittee
11:20 am - 12:00 pm214 - CHIBPA
BPA Daubert Admissibility Hearing Discussion [More Info]
Speaker: Holly Latham
Speaker: Michael VanStratton
11:30 am - 11:50 amBallroom A - CHICSI
Unearthed after a decade, this method brought the victim's decomposing fingerprints back to life. [More Info]
Speaker: Brian Annen, Latent Print Examiner, Colorado Springs Metro Crime Lab
Speaker: Brooke Bell, Crime Scene Investigator, Colorado Springs Metro Crime Lab
11:30 am - 12:00 pmBallroom B - CHILPI
The Importance of Correspondence [More Info]
Speaker: Nicole Osborn, Forensic Print Specialist, Los Angeles Police Department
11:40 am - 12:00 pmBallroom C - CHILPD
Natural Yellow 3 : New Possibilities for a Fingerprint Development Reagent [More Info]
Speaker: Bok Chan Go, Crime Scene Investigator, Daegu Metropolitan Police Agency in KOREA
12:00 pm - 1:00 pmFlatiron - HiltonTPI
Ten Print Certification Board (Board Members Only) [More Info]
12:00 pm - 5:00 pmCastle Room - HiltonIAI
Board of Directors (Board Members Only) [More Info]
1:00 pm - 1:40 pmBallroom C - CHILPD
What Lies Beneath: Peeling Back the Layers on Forensic Document Evidence (Industry Lecture) [More Info]
Speaker: Roberto King, Chief Technology Officer, foster + freeman
1:00 pm - 1:50 pmBlackstone A - HiltonFAC
Panel Discussion: Future of Facial Recognition in Law Enforcement [More Info]
Moderator: Steven Johnson, Senior Face Examination Instructor, Ideal Innovations, Inc.
Panelist: Mark Dolfi, Facial Recognition and Identification Trainer Agency - LA County Regional Identification System, Los Angeles County Regional Identification System
Panelist: Daniel Heltemes, Sergeant, Arizona Department of Public Safety, Arizona Department of Public Safety
Panelist: Richard Vorder Bruegge, Senior Physical Scientist, Federal Bureau of Investigation
Panelist: Thirimachos Bourlai, Associate Professor, University of Georgia
1:00 pm - 1:50 pm214 - CHIPRO
Ethical & Professional Obligations in Forensics [More Info]
Speaker: Deborah Smith, Latent Print Supervisor, Fort Worth Police Department Crime Laboratory
1:00 pm - 1:50 pm215/216 - CHIBIS
Catching Someone's Eye [More Info]
Speaker: Roberta Hatcher, Management and Program Analyst, Federal Bureau of Investigation
1:00 pm - 1:50 pmBallroom A - CHICSI
Best Practices for Documenting a Crime Scene with a Laser Scanner [More Info]
Speaker: William Henningsen, Forensic Manager, Omaha Police Department Forensic Investigations Unit
1:00 pm - 2:30 pmBallroom B - CHILPI
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Blind and Non-Blind Verification in Latent Print Examination – Preliminary Research Results [More Info]
Speaker: Nova Grilli, Friction Ridge Manager, Charleston (SC) Police Department
Speaker: Rebecca Heinrich, Forensic Science Instructor, Wake Technical Community College
Speaker: John Black, Forensic Consultant, Black & White Forensics, LLC
Speaker: Grant Byrum, Systems Engineer, Department of Navy
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm213 - CHIFWT
Shadow of Truth: The Tair Rada Homicide Case [More Info]
Speaker: Jon Byrd, Chief Executive Officer, Ron Smith and Associates, Inc.
1:00 pm - 5:00 pmHill - HiltonFACIntermediate Level
W128 - Facial Examination Refresher Workshop [More Info]
Speaker: Lora Sims, Director, Face Center of Excellence (FaCE) and Biometrics SME , Ideal Innovations, Inc.
Speaker: Chelcey Tyre, Sr. Face Examination Trainer , Ideal Innovations, Inc.
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm203 - CHICSI
W204B - Crime Scene Investigation Series - Blood Stain Evidence [More Info]
Speaker: Toby Wolson
Speaker: Holly Latham
1:00 pm - 5:00 pmSt. Nicholas B - HiltonPHOBeginning Level
W175 - Meeting the “CSI Effect” Head On: Crime Scene Diagrams, 360 Degree Panoramas, and Virtual Tours Oh My! [More Info]
Speaker: Stephanie Hoffman, Forensics Laboratory Program Coordinator and Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice and Forensics, Salt Lake Community College (SLCC)
1:00 pm - 5:00 pmMurray - HiltonCSIBeginning Level
W112B - Crime Scene Metal Detector Operations [More Info]
Speaker: John Volek, Police Lieutenant, Sugar Land Police Department
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm201 - CHICSIIntermediate Level
W110B - Chemical use to Enhance and Detect Bloodstains [More Info]
Speaker: Sharon Plotkin, Assistant Professor, Miami Dade College
1:00 pm - 5:00 pmHerndon - HiltonCSI
Crime Scene Certification Board (Board Members Only) [More Info]
1:00 pm - 5:00 pmWashington City - HiltonLPI
Latent Print Certification Board (Board Members Only) [More Info]
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm208 - CHILPIBeginning Level
W161 - Latent Print Testimony: how to be transparent without feeling naked [More Info]
Speaker: Heidi Eldridge, Research Forensic Scientist, RTI International
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm209 - CHIGENBeginning Level
W138 - Introduction to human locomotion and gait [More Info]
Speaker: Ivan Birch, Forensic Gait Analyst, FGA Services
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm210 - CHILPIIntermediate Level
W168 - What if I Don't Agree? Approaches to Conflict Resolution in Latent Print Analysis [More Info]
Speaker: Heather Conner, Forensic Scientist Technical Leader, Mesa Police Department
Speaker: Penny Dechant, Supervising Forensic Scientist, AZ Department of Public Safety
1:00 pm - 5:00 pmBlackstone B- HiltonPROIntermediate Level
W176 - Public Speaking for Criminal Justice Professionals – “A Manner of Speaking” [More Info]
Speaker: Thomas Mauriello, Senior Lecturer/Forensic Consultant, ForensIQ, Inc./University of Maryland
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm204 - CHICSIBeginning Level
W202 - Crime Scene Investigation Series - Latent Print Development [More Info]
Speaker: Casie Parish Fisher
Speaker: Jamie Nading
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm202 - CHIBPABeginning Level
W108B - (NEW) Recognizing Voids and How to Use Them in Bloodstain Pattern Analysis [More Info]
Speaker: Tom Griffin, Forensic Consultant, Retired
1:00 pm - 5:00 pmSt. Nicholas A - HiltonDMEBeginning Level
W125 - Forensic Image Comparison [More Info]
Speaker: Christopher Iber, Physical Scientist / Forensic Examiner, FBI
Speaker: Walter Bruehs, Supervisory Physical Scientist, FBI
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm206 - CHILPIIntermediate Level
W155- CLPE Comparison Practice Test [More Info]
Speaker: Mack Brazelle, Fingerprint Specialist, TIGTA
1:50 pm - 2:30 pmBallroom C - CHILPD
Luck favors the prepared, darling. [More Info]
Speaker: Corey Schroeder, Latent Print Analyst II, CLPE, California Dept. of Justice
2:00 pm - 2:30 pm215/216 - CHIBIS
Is Your Cloud AFIS/ABIS Working Right? [More Info]
Speaker: Ben Bavarian, CEO, AFIS and Biometrics Consulting Inc.
2:00 pm - 2:30 pmBallroom A - CHICSI
Crime Scene Investigation Education- When A Traditional Lab Classroom Doesn't Cut It [More Info]
Speaker: Susan Clutter, Associate Professor, Forensic Science, Youngstown State University
2:00 pm - 2:40 pm214 - CHIPRO
What to Expect When You're Assessing [More Info]
Speaker: Jan Girten, Sr. Accreditation Manager , ANSI National Accreditation Board
2:00 pm - 2:50 pmBlackstone A - HiltonFAC
Panel Discussion: Status and Future of a Facial Examination Certification Program [More Info]
Moderator: Steven Johnson, Senior Face Examination Instructor, Ideal Innovations, Inc.
Panelist: Mark Dolfi, Facial Recognition and Identification Trainer Agency - LA County Regional Identification System, Los Angeles County Regional Identification System
Panelist: Lora Sims, Director, Face Center of Excellence (FaCE) and Biometrics SME , Ideal Innovations, Inc.
Panelist: Neal Gieselman, Biometric Integration and Innovation Officer, USG
Panelist: Richard Vorder Bruegge, Senior Physical Scientist, Federal Bureau of Investigation
2:00 pm - 4:30 pm205 - CHIPHOIntermediate Level
W169B - (NEW) ALS, UV, IR Photography for Latent Examiners and Crime Scene Detectives (Industry Conducted Workshop) [More Info]
Speaker: Derek Hardy, Technical Specialist / Photography , Arrowhead Forensics
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm207 - CHILPIAny Level
W153- Biological Distortion: Adolescent Growth and Aging [More Info]
Speaker: Alice White, Owner, Evolve Forensics
3:00 pm - 3:20 pmBallroom C - CHILPD
Targeted Corrosion Enhancement of Latent Fingerprints [More Info]
Speaker: Crystal Kotan, Chemistry PhD Student, University of Nevada Las Vegas
3:00 pm - 3:45 pm215/216 - CHIDME
Phones, Tolls, Towers, Casework, and Resources [More Info]
Speaker: Tyler Kroenke, Investigator, Nebraska State Patrol
Speaker: Chris Apley, Sergeant, Nebraska State Patrol
3:00 pm - 3:50 pm214 - CHITPI
Ten Print Certification Open Meeting (All Welcome) [More Info]
3:30 pm - 4:10 pm213 - CHIFWT
Case Reviews: Footwear Evidence Submissions Effect on Conclusion Strength [More Info]
Speaker: Rachael Martinez, Criminalist II, NH State Police Forensic Laboratory
3:30 pm - 4:20 pmBallroom A - CHICSI
Bringing it Together, Under Pressure [More Info]
Speaker: Chris Lutes, Training Coordinator, Trimble, Inc
Speaker: Aaron Beckman, Application Specialist, Fox Fury Lighting Solutions
3:30 pm - 4:20 pmBallroom C - CHILPD
Vacuum Metal Deposition (VMD) - The DNA of Fabric and Time (Industry Lecture) [More Info]
Speaker: Greg Mason, U.S. Technical Sales Executive, West Technology Forensics
3:30 pm - 4:20 pmBallroom B - CHILPI
Understanding the Latent Print Examination Process: Presenting an Interactive Tool [More Info]
Speaker: Melissa Taylor, Senior Forensic Science Research Manager, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Speaker: Heidi Eldridge, Research Forensic Scientist, RTI International
3:50 pm - 5:15 pm215/216 - CHIDME
Changing the Perspective - Officer Involved Shooting, a case study: Integrated Video Forensics, 3D Laser Scanning and Forensic Visualization [More Info]
Speaker: Kyp Stavrou, CEO and Certified Forensic Examiner , Complete Digital Forensic Solutions, Inc.
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm214 - CHITPI
IAI Tenprint Certification Prep - Tips and Tricks [More Info]
Speaker: Brian Turner, Crime Scene Technician, Broward Sheriffs Office
4:20 pm - 5:00 pm213 - CHIFWT
How to take Tire Test Impressions for Comparison [More Info]
Speaker: Andrew Hayes, Senior Forensic Specialist , Orange County Sheriff's Dept. Crime Lab
4:30 pm - 5:00 pmBallroom C - CHILPD
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Lumicyano in the Recovery of Latent Prints [More Info]
Speaker: Jan LeMay, Forensic Scientist II, Denver Police Department Crime Lab
4:30 pm - 5:00 pmBallroom A - CHICSI
5 Things You Should Consider at Your Crime Scene [More Info]
Speaker: Richard Harris, Crime Scene Investigator (Retired), Trancite Logic Systems
Speaker: Brett Murrell, Chief, Software Development , Trancite Logic System
4:30 pm - 5:00 pmBallroom B - CHILPI
AFIS First and Other Efficiencies – The Update [More Info]
Speaker: Brian Dew, Forensic Lab Manager, New Hanover County Sheriff's Office
Speaker: Lukas Feldbusch, Latent Print Examiner, New Hanover County Sheriff's Office
5:00 pm - 7:00 pmExhibit Hall B - CHI
Assessing the enhancement of blood impressions from fresh and preserved fetal pig skin using inter- and intra-observer variability [More Info]
Speaker: Lauryn Zvoch, Student, Madonna University
5:00 pm - 7:00 pmExhibit Hall B - CHIPHO
All About the Wavelength: A Preliminary Assessment of Visible (VIS) vs. Infrared (IR) Surveillance Camera Effects on Identifying Characteristics [More Info]
Speaker: Lilia Vargas, Student, Salt Lake Community College (SLCC)
5:00 pm - 7:00 pmExhibit Hall B - CHIPHO
A Spectrum of Possibilities: The Preliminary Assessment of Ultraviolet (UV) and Infrared (IR) Imaging for Tattoo Identifications [More Info]
Speaker: Alexis Maurice, Student, Salt Lake Community College (SLCC)
5:00 pm - 7:00 pmExhibit Hall B - CHIGEN
Forged Signature Recognition using Hotelling’s T-Squared Analysis [More Info]
Speaker: Emily Allen, REU Student Researcher, The Center for Statistics and Applications in Forensic Evidence
5:00 pm - 7:00 pmExhibit Hall B - CHIGEN
Quantifying Common Word Variance Through Rainbow Triangle Graph Decomposition of The Common Word ‘the’ [More Info]
Speaker: Alexandra Arabio, Graduate Student, The Center for Statistics and Applications in Forensic Evidence (CSAFE)
5:00 pm - 7:00 pmExhibit Hall B - CHIBPA
A Data-Driven Approach to Model the Generation Process of Bloodstain Patterns [More Info]
Speaker: Tong Zou , PhD Candidate, University of California, Irvine
5:00 pm - 7:00 pmExhibit Hall B - CHIGEN
“Imprinted in Bone: The Impact of Colonization on the Indigenous People of Florida” [More Info]
Speaker: Elizabeth Bondi, Forensic Podiatrist, Northern Illinois Foot & Ankle Specialists
Speaker: Christine Miller, Clinical Faculty-Forensic Podiatrist, University of Florida, College of Medicine-Jacksonville
5:00 pm - 7:00 pmExhibit Hall B - CHIFWT
Quantifying Sole Outsole Deformations from Weight using Computer Vision [More Info]
Speaker: Katarina Maier, Research Experience for Undergraduates , Center for Statistics and Applications in Forensic Evidence
Speaker: David Chu, Research Experience for Undergradutes, Center for Statistics and Applications in Forensic Evidence
5:00 pm - 7:00 pmExhibit Hall B - CHILPD
Magnetic VS Basic Powder: The Epic Showdown [More Info]
Speaker: Ashlynn Miller, Student, Washburn University
5:00 pm - 7:00 pmExhibit Hall B - CHIGEN
A Pipeline for Cartridge Case Comparisons [More Info]
Speaker: Joseph Zemmels, Graduate Researcher Assistant, Center for Statistics and Applications in Forensic Evidence
5:00 pm - 7:00 pmExhibit Hall B - CHIGEN
Applications of Confocal Microscopes on Toolmark Analysis [More Info]
Speaker: Heike Hofmann`, Professor, CSAFE & Department of Statistics, Iowa State University
Speaker: Eden Amin, Student , CSAFE
5:00 pm - 7:00 pmExhibit Hall B - CHIGEN
Twin Convolutional Neural Networks to Classify Writers using Handwriting Data [More Info]
Speaker: Pilhyun Lim, Student, CSAFE
5:00 pm - 7:00 pmExhibit Hall B - CHIGEN
A Factorial-Design Database of 3D Screwdriver Striation Marks for Objective Toolmark Identification [More Info]
Speaker: Nina Barretts, Student, CSAFE
5:00 pm - 7:00 pmExhibit Hall B - CHIGEN
3D Comparison of Breech Face Casts and Cartridge Case Impressions [More Info]
Speaker: Emma Thatcher, Student Researcher, Center for Statistics and Applications in Forensic Evidence
5:00 pm - 7:00 pmCHI Center Exhibit Hall B
Poster Presentation Session / Photo Contest and Reception
5:00 pm - 7:00 pmExhibit Hall B - CHIGEN
NCIC-entered Missing Persons with Special Needs [More Info]
Speaker: Maria Allaire, Forensic Anthropologist, LSU FACES Laboratory
5:00 pm - 7:00 pmExhibit Hall B - CHIGEN
Age Estimation in Different Ethnic Groups [More Info]
Speaker: Kalaf Alshamrani, Forensic Radiographer, Najran University
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
7:30 am - 9:00 amBallroom C - CHIPRO
Keynote & Continental Breakfast: Top of the Mountain Leadership [More Info]
Speaker: Tiffany Prince, Chief Performance Officer, Prince Performance LLC
8:00 am - 5:00 pmPrague - HiltonIAI
OSAC Subcommittee Work Room [More Info]
9:00 am - 1:00 pmExhibit Hall B - CHI
Exhibit Hall Open [More Info]
9:30 am - 12:00 pm201 - CHICSI
W120 - Rapid DNA for the Crime Scene Investigator [More Info]
Speaker: Robert O'Brien, PSM-FS, Forensic Biology Section Lead, Global Forensic and Justice Center
Speaker: Tylor Barnhart, MFS, Forensic Biologist III, Global Forensic and Justice Center
9:30 am - 12:00 pm205 - CHIPHOIntermediate Level
W169- ALS, UV, IR Photography for Latent Examiners and Crime Scene Detectives (Industry Conducted Workshop) [More Info]
Speaker: Derek Hardy, Technical Specialist / Photography , Arrowhead Forensics
9:30 am - 12:00 pm208 - CHIGENBeginning Level
W141 - Strategies for Community Outreach: "How do I Keep Kids Engaged?" [More Info]
Speaker: Jennifer Hall-Rivera, Criminal Justic Program Instructor , Washington Technical Institute
9:30 am - 12:30 pm207 - CHITPIIntermediate Level
W178- Advanced Tenprint Comparison Techniques [More Info]
Speaker: Kevin Burke, Friction Ridge Examiner, Andover Police Department, Ma., (Retired)
9:30 am - 12:30 pmHill - HiltonFACIntermediate Level
W129 - Forensic facial examination - applying an automated support tool to secure transparency and uniformity in the decision making process [More Info]
Speaker: Stine Nordbjaerg, Biometric Analyst, Danish National ID Centre
Speaker: Jakob Dam Glynstrup, Head of Centre, Danish National ID Centre
9:30 am - 12:30 pm210 - CHIFWTBeginning Level
W136 - Local Population Footwear Class Characteristics - An End-to-End Pipeline for Automatic Data Acquisition and Analysis [More Info]
Speaker: Susan Vanderplas, Assistant Professor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Speaker: Richard Stone, Associate Professor, Iowa State University
10:00 am - 10:40 amBallroom C - CHIGEN
NIST Review of Scientific Foundations for Firearm Examination [More Info]
Speaker: Robert Thompson, Senior Forensic Science Research Manager, National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST)
10:00 am - 10:50 am214 - CHITPI
Dead or Alive: Taking Legible Living & Deceased Prints [More Info]
Speaker: Deborah Smith, Latent Print Supervisor, Fort Worth Police Department Crime Laboratory
10:00 am - 10:50 am213 - CHIDME
Audio for Forensic Video Analysts [More Info]
Speaker: Allen Combs, Audio and Video Forensic Analyst, Combs Forensic Services
10:00 am - 10:50 am215/216 - CHIPHO
Behind the Shutter [More Info]
Speaker: Brandon Nabozny, Owner & Lead Instructor, Forza Forensics, LLC
10:00 am - 11:00 amBlackstone B- HiltonART
Basics of a Successful Composite Drawing Interview [More Info]
Speaker: Duncan Way, Forensic Artist, Ontario Provincial Police
10:00 am - 11:00 amPaxton - HiltonBIS
Biometric Information Services Science and Practice Subcommittee (Committee Members Only)) [More Info]
10:00 am - 12:00 pmHerndon - HiltonCSI
Crime Scene Certification Board (Board Members Only) [More Info]
10:00 am - 12:00 pmBallroom A - CHICSI
Nebraska's Bonnie and Clyde: A Multiagency Response [More Info]
Speaker: Amy Lesan, Deputy Sheriff, Lancaster County Sheriff's Office
Speaker: Travis Schroer, Deputy Sheriff, Lancaster County Sheriff
10:00 am - 12:00 pm204 - CHICSIBeginning Level
W203 - Crime Scene Investigation Series - Footwear and Tire Impression Collection Techniques [More Info]
Speaker: Heather Conner, Forensic Scientist Technical Leader, Mesa Police Department
Speaker: Kathi Young, Forensic Technician II, Alaska State Troopers
10:00 am - 12:00 pmFlatiron - HiltonDME
Digital and Multimedia Evidence Science and Practice Subcommittee (Committee Members Only) [More Info]
10:00 am - 12:00 pmBallroom B - CHILPI
Latent Print Certification Open Meeting (All Welcome) [More Info]
10:00 am - 12:30 pmMurray - HiltonCSIBeginning Level
W118 - Public Safety Divers: At Your Service! [More Info]
Speaker: Nick Gangwish, Captain, Special Operations, Omaha Fire & Rescue, Omaha Fire & Rescue, Nebraska
Speaker: Ryan Loewenstein, Firefighter Omaha Fire & Rescue, OFD Dive Instructor(SSI), Omaha Fire and Rescue
10:00 am - 5:00 pm206 - CHILPIBeginning Level
W152- Beginner/Intermediate Latent Print Comparisons [More Info]
Speaker: Michele Smith, Crime Scene Unit Supervisor, Louisiana State Police Crime Laboratory
11:00 am - 11:40 amBallroom C - CHIGEN
Virtual Image Standard (VIS) for Performance Evaluation of the Congruent Matching Cells (CMC) Algorithms in Firearm Evidence Identifications [More Info]
Speaker: John Song, Researcher, NIST
11:00 am - 12:00 pmPaxton - HiltonBIS
Biometric Information Services Science and Practice Open Meeting (All Welcome) [More Info]
11:00 am - 12:00 pm213 - CHIDME
Overcoming the Fake News of deepfakes - Techniques for Video Authentication [More Info]
Speaker: Melissa Kimbrell, Technical Support Specialist, Amped Software USA Inc.
11:00 am - 12:00 pm215/216 - CHIPRO
Lost In Translation- Adaptive Training Techniques and Communication Challenges of Providing International Training [More Info]
Speaker: Michael Wisniewski, Evidence Response Team, Cleveland FBI
Speaker: Michael Hullihan, Senior Instructor, Forensics and Special Investigative Skills, DHS-FLETC
12:30 pm - 5:00 pmSt. Nicholas A - HiltonARTBeginning Level
W101 - Adobe Photoshop and Bridge for creating composites - From Description to Composite [More Info]
Speaker: Rainer Wortmann, Commander, State Office of Criminal Investigation Baden-Württemberg Germany
1:00 pm - 1:40 pmBallroom C - CHILPD
Fingermark visualization on compostable polymers [More Info]
Speaker: Aldo Mattei, Lt. Colonel, laboratory director, Carabinieri RaCIS
Speaker: Francesco Zampa, Major, laboratory director, Carabinieri RaCIS
1:00 pm - 1:40 pmBallroom B - CHILPI
Deposition in Palms [More Info]
Speaker: Nicole Osborn, Forensic Print Specialist, Los Angeles Police Department
1:00 pm - 1:50 pm215/216 - CHIBIS
Cold case prints re-examined using digital enhancement and AFIS [More Info]
Speaker: John Guzzwell, VP, Professional Engineer, CSIpix
1:00 pm - 1:50 pm213 - CHIDME
It's about time! (Understanding how timing affects video playback and analysis.) [More Info]
Speaker: Melissa Kimbrell, Technical Support Specialist, Amped Software USA Inc.
1:00 pm - 1:50 pmBallroom A - CHICSI
Small Agency Survival [More Info]
Speaker: Lawrence Stringham, Retired Forensic/Evidence Supervisor, Retired
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm214 - CHICSI
Crime Scene Certification Open Meeting (All Welcome) [More Info]
1:00 pm - 3:00 pmCastle Room - HiltonIAI
Johnson-Whyte Committee [More Info]
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm208 - CHIGENBeginning Level
W140 - Statistical Ideas for Forensic Practitioners [More Info]
Speaker: Alicia Carriquiry, Distinguished Professor and President's Chair in Statistics, Iowa State University
Speaker: Hal Stern, Provost and Chancellor's Professor of Statistics, University of California Irvine
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm205 - CHIPHOIntermediate Level
W174- Long Exposure Photography at the Crime Scene [More Info]
Speaker: Brandon Nabozny, Owner & Lead Instructor, Forza Forensics, LLC
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm201 - CHIBPABeginning Level
W108 - Recognizing Voids and How to Use Them in Bloodstain Pattern Analysis [More Info]
Speaker: Tom Griffin, Forensic Consultant, Retired
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm203 - CHICSI
W122 - The Use of Drones for the Photography of Crime Scenes [More Info]
Speaker: King Brown, Crime Scene Supervisor, West Palm Beach Police Department
Speaker: Dawn Watkins, Crime Scene Investigator/Latent Print Examiner Retired, Palm Beach Gardens Police Department
1:00 pm - 5:00 pmMurray - HiltonLPIIntermediate Level
W903 - (NEW) Case AFIS for palms, joints, and tips [More Info]
Speaker: Eric Ray, Subject Matter Expert for Justice & Public Safety, IDEMIA
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm202 - CHIFWTIntermediate Level
W135 - Forensic Tire Comparisons [More Info]
Speaker: Alicia Wilcox, Associate Professor, Thomas College
Speaker: Cynthia Homer, Technical Manager and Supervisor-Latent Print Section, Maine State Police Crime Laboratory
1:00 pm - 5:00 pmBlackstone B- HiltonGENIntermediate Level
W143 - Using gait analysis as evidence [More Info]
Speaker: Ivan Birch, Forensic Gait Analyst, FGA Services
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm210 - CHILPIBeginning Level
W151- ACE-V 101: Basic Training in ACE-V Methodology [More Info]
Speaker: Glenn Langenburg, Forensic Scientist, Elite Forensic Services, LLC
1:00 pm - 5:00 pmHill - HiltonFACIntermediate Level
W193 - Facial Feature Comparisons [More Info]
Speaker: Melissa Halpenny, Training Instructor, FBI
Angela Long, Training Instructor, FBI-CJIs
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm204 - CHICSIBeginning Level
W204 - Crime Scene Investigation Series - Blood Stain Evidence [More Info]
Speaker: Toby Wolson
Speaker: Holly Latham
1:00 pm - 5:00 pmSt. Nicholas B - HiltonLPIIntermediate Level
W154- Borderline—feels like I’m going to lose my mind: exploring consensus, policy, and decision-making in latent prints [More Info]
Speaker: Heidi Eldridge, Research Forensic Scientist, RTI International
1:00 pm - 5:00 pmPaxton - HiltonFWT
Footwear Certification Board (Board Members Only) [More Info]
1:30 pm - 2:30 pmBlackstone A - HiltonFAC
Facial Identification science and Practice Committee (Committee Members Only) [More Info]
1:50 pm - 2:30 pmBallroom C - CHILPD
The need for standardization of latent print profession: the European perspective. [More Info]
Speaker: Aldo Mattei, Lt. Colonel, laboratory director, Carabinieri RaCIS
Speaker: Francesco Zampa, Major, laboratory director, Carabinieri RaCIS
1:50 pm - 2:30 pmBallroom B - CHILPI
NIST Special Database 302 [More Info]
Speaker: Gregory Fiumara, Computer Scientist, National Institute of Standards and Technology
2:00 pm - 2:30 pmBallroom A - CHICSI
Crime Scene Investigation: Task or Profession - A Critical Examination [More Info]
Speaker: Michael Kessler, Forensics and Public Safety Manager, Denton (TX) Police Department
2:00 pm - 2:30 pm215/216 - CHIBIS
As AFIS technology improves - who is in the driver seat: man or machine? [More Info]
Speaker: Bertrand Chanson, Head of the division Latent Identification , Federal Office of Police Switzerland
2:00 pm - 3:30 pmHerndon - HiltonDME
Forensic Video Certification Board (Board Members Only) [More Info]
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm207 - CHILPIAny Level
W157 - Contact Distortion: Hand Flexion and Angle of Contact [More Info]
Speaker: Alice White, Owner, Evolve Forensics
3:00 pm - 3:40 pm214 - CHIFAC
Data Collection Challenges for Multi-spectral Biometric Research in a COVID-19 Era [More Info]
Speaker: Thirimachos Bourlai, Associate Professor, University of Georgia
3:00 pm - 3:50 pm213 - CHIGEN
The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency: Identifying America’s Missing Service members through the Application of Forensic Science [More Info]
Speaker: Brittany Walter, Forensic Anthropologist, Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency
3:00 pm - 3:50 pm215/216 - CHIBIS
Human-Machine Pairing for Post-Mortem Iris Recognition [More Info]
Speaker: Adam Czajka, Assistant Professor, University of Notre Dame
Speaker: Patrick Flynn, Professor and Department Chair, University of Notre Dame
3:00 pm - 3:50 pmBallroom B - CHIGEN
Too many chickens in the chicken coop: the organization of multidisciplinary collaborative exercises. [More Info]
Speaker: Aldo Mattei, Lt. Colonel, laboratory director, Carabinieri RaCIS
Speaker: Francesco Zampa, Major, laboratory director, Carabinieri RaCIS
3:00 pm - 3:50 pmBallroom A - CHICSI
Crime Scene Processing: Building Investigations on Methodology and Scientific Principles [More Info]
Speaker: Tim Burt, Lt. Law Enforcement Training Specialist, NH Police Standards and Training
3:00 pm - 5:00 pmBallroom C - CHILPD
Detecting Fingermarks from Fired Ammunition [More Info]
Speaker: Rolanda Lam, Forensic Laboratory Advisor, Royal Canadian Mounted Police
3:45 pm - 4:20 pm214 - CHIFAC
Perceptual Expertise Beyond General Face Comparisons [More Info]
Speaker: Amy Yates, Mathematician, National Institute of Standards and Technology
4:00 pm - 4:30 pm215/216 - CHIBIS
AFIS/ABIS Cloud Deployment Lessons [More Info]
Speaker: Ben Bavarian, CEO, AFIS and Biometrics Consulting Inc.
Speaker: John McCowan, Principal Consultant, AFIS and Biometrics Consulting Inc.
4:00 pm - 4:30 pmBallroom B - CHILPI
Covid Got you Down? You're Not Alone! [More Info]
Speaker: Joshua Connelly, Latent Print Examiner, Douglas County Sheriff's Office
4:00 pm - 4:45 pm213 - CHIGEN
Update on Aircraft Accident Investigation: Lessons to be learned from crash site hazards to forensic pathology conclusions. [More Info]
Speaker: Michael Schwerer, Forensic Pathologist, German Air Force Centre of Aerospace Medicine
4:00 pm - 5:00 pmBallroom A - CHICSI
Staged Crime Scenes [More Info]
Speaker: Tim Burt, Lt. Law Enforcement Training Specialist, NH Police Standards and Training
4:30 pm - 5:00 pm214 - CHIFAC
To fuse or not to fuse? Achieving higher facial comparison accuracy via selective fusion [More Info]
Speaker: Amy Yates, Mathematician, National Institute of Standards and Technology
4:40 pm - 5:00 pm215/216 - CHIBIS
NIST Evaluation of Latent Friction Ridge Technology [More Info]
Speaker: Gregory Fiumara, Computer Scientist, National Institute of Standards and Technology
4:40 pm - 5:00 pmBallroom B - CHILPI
FRStat: Where do we go from here? [More Info]
Speaker: Tony Koertner, Latent Print Examiner, Defense Forensic Science Center
5:15 pm - 6:15 pmCHI Center Ballroom Foyer
Discipline Social Event
Thursday, August 4, 2022
6:30 am - 7:30 amNo location
2022 IAI Conference 5k Fun Run/Walk [More Info]
Speaker: Michael Wisniewski, Evidence Response Team, Cleveland FBI
7:00 am - 8:00 amBlackstone A - HiltonIAI
JFI Editorial Board Meeting (Board Members Only) [More Info]
8:00 am - 8:40 am215/216 - CHIGEN
Error Rate Methods for Forensic Handwriting Identification [More Info]
Speaker: Danica Ommen, Assistant Professor of Statistics, CSAFE, Iowa State University
8:00 am - 8:40 amBallroom B - CHILPI
How to Complete a Latent Print Certification or Recertification Application Correctly: Official Presentation of the Latent Print Certification Board - Presented by the Latent Print Certification Board. [More Info]
Speaker: Matthew Marvin, Laboratory Director, Ron Smith and Associates, Inc.
8:00 am - 8:50 am214 - CHIGEN
IAI Founder Harry Caldwell - Nebraska's Native Son [More Info]
Speaker: Darrell Klasey, Historian, International Association For Identification
Speaker: Janet Klasey, Forensic History Research Assistant, International Association For Identification
8:00 am - 8:50 am213 - CHIFAC
Facial Examination/Facial Recognition Case Studies and Success Stories [More Info]
Speaker: Lora Sims, Director, Face Center of Excellence (FaCE) and Biometrics SME , Ideal Innovations, Inc.
8:00 am - 8:50 amBallroom C - CHIPHO
Understanding the Physics and Behavior of Light [More Info]
Speaker: Michael Hullihan, Senior Instructor, Forensics and Special Investigative Skills, DHS-FLETC
8:00 am - 9:00 amBallroom A - CHICSI
Footwear Evidence: Forgotten, Avoided, Unconventional? [More Info]
Speaker: Kent Timothy, Forensic Examiner, City of Henderson, Nevada
8:00 am - 10:00 amPaxton - HiltonGEN
General Forensics Science and Practice Committee (Committee Members Only) [More Info]
8:00 am - 10:30 am204 - CHICSIBeginning Level
W205 - Crime Scene Investigation Series - Collection of Biological Evidence and Introduction to Blood Enhancement Techniques [More Info]
Speaker: Casie Parish Fisher
Speaker: Jamie Nading
8:00 am - 12:00 pm205 - CHIPHOIntermediate Level
W172 - Flash Photography at the Crime Scene [More Info]
Speaker: Brandon Nabozny, Owner & Lead Instructor, Forza Forensics, LLC
8:00 am - 12:00 pm201 - CHIBPAIntermediate Level
W107 - Examination of Bloodstains and Bloodstain Patterns on Fabric Focusing on Clothing [More Info]
Speaker: Tom Griffin, Forensic Consultant, Retired
8:00 am - 12:00 pmBlackstone B- HiltonPROAny Level
W177 - The Leader Within: Maximizing Authentic Leadership [More Info]
Speaker: Tiffany Prince, Chief Performance Officer, Prince Performance LLC
8:00 am - 12:00 pm210 - CHILPIIntermediate Level
W160- Implementing the Proposed OSAC Expanded Conclusion Scale for Fingerprint Examinations [More Info]
Speaker: Glenn Langenburg, Forensic Scientist, Elite Forensic Services, LLC
8:00 am - 12:00 pm209 - CHICSIIntermediate Level
W109 B - Building Better CSI's: Developing Robust Field Training Programs [More Info]
Speaker: Daniel DellaSala, Sergeant CSI, Harris County Sheriff's Office
Speaker: Sean Simpson, Crime Scene Investigator, Harris County Sheriff's Office
8:00 am - 12:00 pmSt. Nicholas A - HiltonFWTBeginning Level
W134 - Footwear comparisons: A new on-screen comparison method for an old comparison technique [More Info]
Speaker: Jon Byrd, Chief Executive Officer, Ron Smith and Associates, Inc.
8:00 am - 12:00 pm202 - CHIGENBeginning Level
W145 - Work Smarter: Utilizing New Light Source Innovations to Help Reduce Your Backlog (Industry Conducted Workshop) [More Info]
Speaker: Alexis Dodson, Technical Sales Specialist, Foster + Freeman
8:00 am - 12:00 pm207 - CHILPIIntermediate Level
W165 - Reducing Erroneous Exclusions [More Info]
Speaker: Penny Dechant, Supervising Forensic Scientist, AZ Department of Public Safety
8:00 am - 12:00 pmSt. Nicholas B - HiltonDMEBeginning Level
W126 - Video Analysis and playback with FFmpeg [More Info]
Speaker: Melissa Kimbrell, Technical Support Specialist, Amped Software USA Inc.
8:00 am - 5:00 pm206 - CHILPIIntermediate Level
W167 - Searching Smart with Palms [More Info]
Speaker: Nicole Osborn, Forensic Print Specialist, Los Angeles Police Department
8:00 am - 5:00 pm208 - CHISTU
Student Lecture Series [More Info]
Speaker: Alicia Wilcox, Associate Professor, Thomas College
8:00 am - 5:00 pmPrague - HiltonIAI
OSAC Subcommittee Work Room [More Info]
8:00 am - 5:00 pmHill - HiltonARTBeginning Level
W102 - Composite Drawing Techniques [More Info]
Speaker: Jorge Molina, Forensic Artist, Texas Rangers
8:00 am - 5:00 pmWashington City - Hilton
IAI Certification Testing [More Info]
8:30 am - 12:00 pm203 - CHILPDBeginning Level
W150 - Tips & Tricks for Developing & Lifting Latent Fingerprints [More Info]
Speaker: King Brown, Crime Scene Supervisor, West Palm Beach Police Department
Speaker: Dawn Watkins, Crime Scene Investigator/Latent Print Examiner Retired, Palm Beach Gardens Police Department
8:50 am - 9:30 amBallroom B - CHILPI
How to Operate the Digital (On-Screen) Version of the IAI Initial Latent Print Certification Comparison Test: Official Presentation of the Latent Print Certification Board - Presented by the Latent Print Certification Board. [More Info]
Speaker: Matthew Marvin, Laboratory Director, Ron Smith and Associates, Inc.
9:00 am - 9:20 am215/216 - CHIGEN
Comparing handwriter and FLASH ID, Two Handwriting Analysis Programs [More Info]
Speaker: Stephanie Reinders, Research Scientist, Center for Statistics and Applications in Forensic Evidence
9:00 am - 9:30 am214 - CHIGEN
Establishing the Probative Value of Gait Analysis Evidence. A project in collaboration with The Alan Turing Institute, UK. [More Info]
Speaker: Ivan Birch, Forensic Gait Analyst, FGA Services
9:00 am - 9:30 am213 - CHIFAC
The Expert in Anything was Once a Beginner [More Info]
Speaker: Chelcey Tyre, Sr. Face Examination Trainer , Ideal Innovations, Inc.
9:00 am - 9:45 amBallroom C - CHIPHO
Photographic Filters for Beginning CSI’s and LE Photographers [More Info]
Speaker: Michael Hullihan, Senior Instructor, Forensics and Special Investigative Skills, DHS-FLETC
9:10 am - 9:30 amBallroom A - CHICSI
Are you a type A CSI? Let's talk about getting a cleaner cast! [More Info]
Speaker: Sarah Bohne, Crime Lab Supervisor, Colorado Springs Police Department
10:00 am - 10:50 am214 - CHIGEN
Outside The Textbook And Into The World Of The Forensic Expert: How Experts Can Influence High School Students [More Info]
Speaker: Nancy Kochis, Honors Forensic Science Educator, LaSalle-Peru High School
10:00 am - 10:50 amBallroom B - CHILPI
Occurrence and Associative Value of Non-Identifiable Fingermarks on Ammunition in Handguns [More Info]
Speaker: David Stoney, Chief Scientist, Stoney Forensic, Inc.
10:00 am - 11:00 am213 - CHIFAC
Facial Identification Science and Practice Committee Open Meeting(All Welcome) [More Info]
10:00 am - 11:00 am215/216 - CHIGEN
Studying Reproducibility and Repeatability for Pattern Evidence Comparisons [More Info]
Speaker: Hina Arora, PhD Student, University of California Irvine and CSAFE
10:00 am - 12:00 pmBallroom A - CHICSI
What now? Navigating the Aftermath of Homicide and Suicide [More Info]
Speaker: Jan Canty, Ph.D., psychologist, self employed
10:00 am - 12:00 pmBallroom C - CHIGEN
Shot in the Dark: A Cold Case in the Digital Age [More Info]
Speaker: Anthony Kava, Digital Forensics / Tech Admin, Special Deputy Sheriff, Pottawattamie County Sheriff's Office
Speaker: James Doty, Sergeant-Investigator, Pottawattamie County Sheriff's Office
Speaker: Ryan Avis, Deputy Sheriff, Pottawattamie County Sheriff's Office
10:30 am - 12:00 pmPaxton - HiltonLPD
Latent Print Development Science and Practice Committee (Committee Members Only) [More Info]
11:00 am - 12:00 pmBallroom B - CHILPI
Making consultations, new conclusions, and quality tracking work at a small laboratory [More Info]
Speaker: Jennifer Yoak, Latent Print Technical Leader, Miami Valley Regional Crime Laboratory
11:00 am - 5:00 pm204 - CHICSIBeginning Level
W200-2 - Part 2: Crime Scene Investigation Series - Crime Scene Processing / Mock Crime Scenes [More Info]
Speaker: Tim Burt, Lt. Law Enforcement Training Specialist, NH Police Standards and Training
Speaker: Kathi Young, Forensic Technician II, Alaska State Troopers
11:10 am - 12:00 pm213 - CHIFAC
Demystifying Facial Searching [More Info]
Speaker: Neal Gieselman, Biometric Integration and Innovation Officer, USG
11:10 am - 12:00 pm215/216 - CHIGEN
Revisiting the likelihood ratio: A gentle introduction and some examples [More Info]
Speaker: Alicia Carriquiry, Distinguished Professor and President's Chair in Statistics, Iowa State University
11:15 am - 12:00 pm214 - CHIFWT
Evaluation of a 3D portable imaging system to capture footwear and tire evidence [More Info]
Speaker: John Grassel, Forensic Science Program Manager, RTI International
Speaker: Jaclynn McKay, Forensic Scientist, RTI International
1:00 pm - 1:30 pmBallroom B - CHILPI
Beware the Delta [More Info]
Speaker: Penny Dechant, Supervising Forensic Scientist, AZ Department of Public Safety
1:00 pm - 1:40 pm214 - CHIFWT
An Update on the Footwear Reference Collaboration Group (FRCG) [More Info]
Speaker: Vanessa Styx, Latent Print & Footwear Examiner, Wisconsin State Crime Laboratories
1:00 pm - 1:45 pmBallroom A - CHICSI
Critical Triage for Investigations – Getting Realtime Crime Gun Intelligence in Minutes [More Info]
Speaker: Ronald Nichols, Dir. of Research/Development, Evidence IQ & Firearm & Toolmark Examiner & Retired ATF, Evidence IQ (Retired ATF/Firearms & Toolmark Examiner)
Speaker: John Risenhoover, Dir. Of Business Development, Evidence IQ & Retired ATF, NIBIN Natl. Coordinator, Evidence IQ (Retired ATF/National NIBIN Coordinator)
1:00 pm - 1:50 pm213 - CHIFAC
Pose independent facial accuracy testing [More Info]
Speaker: Neal Gieselman, Biometric Integration and Innovation Officer, USG
1:00 pm - 1:50 pm215/216 - CHIPRO
Strategic Grant Funding Assistance for Public Safety - Forensics [More Info]
Speaker: Michael Asimor, Chief Executive Officer, Dynamic International
1:00 pm - 1:50 pmBallroom C - CHIGEN
The Truth and Lies of the Polygraph – “A presentation that will eliminate the mystery and misconceptions of this investigative tool.” [More Info]
Speaker: Thomas Mauriello, Senior Lecturer/Forensic Consultant, ForensIQ, Inc./University of Maryland
1:00 pm - 2:00 pmPaxton - HiltonDME
Forensic Video Certification Board Open Meeting (All Welcome) [More Info]
1:00 pm - 3:30 pm203 - CHICSI
W120B- (NEW) Rapid DNA for the Crime Scene Investigator [More Info]
Speaker: Robert O'Brien, PSM-FS, Forensic Biology Section Lead, Global Forensic and Justice Center
Speaker: Tylor Barnhart, MFS, Forensic Biologist III, Global Forensic and Justice Center
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm201 - CHIBPAIntermediate Level
W107A -(NEW) Examination of Bloodstains and Bloodstain Patterns on Fabric Focusing on Clothing [More Info]
Speaker: Tom Griffin, Forensic Consultant, Retired
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm205 - CHIPHOIntermediate Level
W173 - Imaging the Unseen with Digital Ultraviolet (UV), Visible (VIS), and Infrared (IR) Photography [More Info]
Speaker: Stephanie Hoffman, Forensics Laboratory Program Coordinator and Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice and Forensics, Salt Lake Community College (SLCC)
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm202 - CHIGENBeginning Level
W144 - Authentication of Identity Documents [More Info]
Speaker: Michael Hullihan, Senior Instructor, Forensics and Special Investigative Skills, DHS-FLETC
1:00 pm - 5:00 pmBlackstone B- HiltonGENIntermediate Level
W146 - Root Cause Analysis Using the 5-Whys Process [More Info]
Speaker: Deborah Smith, Latent Print Supervisor, Fort Worth Police Department Crime Laboratory
1:00 pm - 5:00 pmSt. Nicholas B - HiltonFACIntermediate Level
W192 - Comparing Twins [More Info]
Speaker: Melissa Halpenny, Training Instructor, FBI
Speaker: Angela Long, Training Instructor, FBI-CJIs
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm209 - CHICSIBeginning Level
W116 - How to Use 3D Metrology from Laser Scanners to Reconstruct Bullet Trajectory [More Info]
Speaker: William Henningsen, Forensic Manager, Omaha Police Department Forensic Investigations Unit
Speaker: Todd Petrick, Quality Assurance Supervisor, Omaha Police Forensic Investigations Unit
1:40 pm - 2:30 pmBallroom B - CHILPI
A Pig In A Dress [More Info]
Speaker: Matthew Marvin, Laboratory Director, Ron Smith and Associates, Inc.
1:50 pm - 2:30 pm214 - CHIFWT
A new algorithm for source identification of look-alike footwear impressions based on automatic alignment [More Info]
Speaker: Hana Lee, Ph.D. Student/Graduate Research Assistant, Iowa State University/Center for Statistics and Applications in Forensic Evidence
2:00 pm - 2:30 pm213 - CHIFAC
Forensic facial examiners vs. super-recognizers: Evaluating behavior beyond accuracy [More Info]
Speaker: Amy Yates, Mathematician, National Institute of Standards and Technology
2:00 pm - 2:30 pmBallroom C - CHIGEN
Human Hair and Animal Fur: A Microscopic Analysis [More Info]
Speaker: Jennifer Hall-Rivera, Criminal Justic Program Instructor , Washington Technical Institute
2:00 pm - 2:30 pm215/216 - CHIPRO
Operation on the living body: merger of two units - CANCELLED [More Info]
Speaker: Kurt Aebersold, Head of PMQA, Federal Office of Police fedpol
2:00 pm - 2:50 pmBallroom A - CHICSI
Officer Involved Shootings from a Crime Scene perspective [More Info]
Speaker: Victoria Boren, Crime Scene Investigator, Houston Forensic Science Center
Speaker: Jordan Ashworth, Crime Scene Supervisor, Houston Forensic Science Center
2:00 pm - 3:00 pmBlackstone A - HiltonIAI
IAI Division Secretaries' Meeting [More Info]
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm207 - CHILPIAny Level
W162- Movement Distortion: Shearing Stress and Torque [More Info]
Speaker: Alice White, Owner, Evolve Forensics
3:00 pm - 3:40 pm213 - CHIBPA
An Innovative Nomogram Applied to Bloodstain Pattern Analysis [More Info]
Speaker: Young Sam Kim, Forensic Investigator, Korean National Police Agency
3:00 pm - 3:40 pmBallroom C - CHIGEN
Reference Population Database of Firearm Toolmarks: Theory, Application, and Implementation [More Info]
Speaker: Xiaoyu Zheng, Mechanical Engineer, National Institute of Standards and Technology
3:00 pm - 3:50 pmBallroom B - CHILPI
Beyond Mayfield and McKie: Wrongful Convictions Due to Fingerprint Errors and Lessons Learned [More Info]
Speaker: Hillary Daluz, Latent Print Examiner, US Army
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm214 - CHIFWT
Footwear Certification Board Open Meeting (All Welcome) [More Info]
3:00 pm - 5:00 pmBallroom A - CHICSI
Crime Scene Shooting: A Case Study [More Info]
Speaker: Michele Smith, Crime Scene Unit Supervisor, Louisiana State Police Crime Laboratory
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm215/216 - CHIDME
Cellular data in Criminal Investigations [More Info]
Speaker: Cory Brown, Owner, Astrea Investigations LLC
4:00 pm - 4:20 pmBallroom C - CHIGEN
Jury Perception of Bullet Matching Algorithms and Demonstrative Evidence [More Info]
Speaker: Rachel Rogers, Graduate Student, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm213 - CHIPHO
Photography Certification Open Meeting (All Welcome) [More Info]
4:00 pm - 5:00 pmBallroom B - CHILPI
Collaborative exercises and proficiency tests in the fingerprint domain: a matter of perspective and conceptualization. [More Info]
Speaker: Aldo Mattei, Lt. Colonel, laboratory director, Carabinieri RaCIS
Speaker: Francesco Zampa, Major, laboratory director, Carabinieri RaCIS
4:10 pm - 4:40 pm214 - CHIGEN
Connecting Feet to Footwear: Scientific Foundations, Analysis and a Case Study [More Info]
Speaker: Michael Nirenberg, Forensic Podiatrist, Friendly Foot Care, PC
4:30 pm - 4:50 pmBallroom C - CHIGEN
Recovering and Utilizing Data Matrix Codes on Firearms [More Info]
Speaker: Bronwyn McMaster, Forensic Scientist, Virginia Department of Forensic Science
4:30 pm - 7:30 pm203 - CHI
W901 - (NEW) Road Mapping Those Bloodstains [More Info]
Speaker: Jan Johnson, Forensic Specialist, CSCSA, Forensic Pieces Inc.
Speaker: Brett Dorretti, Instructor
4:45 pm - 5:05 pm214 - CHIFWT
Towards a Score-Based Likelihood Ratio for Footwear Evidence [More Info]
Speaker: Valerie Han, Graduate Researcher, CSAFE
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm208 - CHIIAI
Student Issues Committee (Committee Members Only) [More Info]
5:00 pm - 8:00 pmPaxton - HiltonART
Forensic Art Science and Practice Committee (Committee Members Only) [More Info]
5:30 pm - 6:30 pmBallroom A - CHICSI
Crime Scene Science and Practice Committee (Committee Members Only) [More Info]
6:00 pm - 8:00 pmWashington City - HiltonBPA
Bloodstain Pattern Joint Certification and Science and Practice Committee Open Meeting (All Welcome) [More Info]
6:30 pm - 7:00 pmBlackstone A - HiltonART
Forensic Art Certification Board Open Meeting (All Welcome) [More Info]
7:00 pm - 8:30 pmBlackstone A - HiltonART
Forensic Art Certification Board (Board Members Only) [More Info]
Friday, August 5, 2022
7:30 am - 9:30 am215/216 - CHIIAI
IAI Membership Meeting (All IAI Members Welcome) [More Info]
8:00 am - 5:00 pmPrague - HiltonIAI
OSAC Subcommittee Work Room [More Info]
10:00 am - 10:50 am214 - CHIFAC
Introduction to face comparison and identification training and the morphological method [More Info]
Speaker: Melissa Halpenny, Training Instructor, FBI
Speaker: Angela Long, Training Instructor, FBI-CJIs
10:00 am - 3:30 pmBallroom A - CHICSI
Sydney Loofe Case Study [More Info]
Speaker: Robert Hurley, Criminal Investigator, Lincoln Police Department, Lincoln, NE
Speaker: Mike Maseth, Retired Supervisory Senior Resident Agent, FBI
Speaker: Matthew Franken, Lincoln Police Department, Lincoln, NE
Speaker: Eli McBride, Special Agent, FBI
10:00 am - 4:00 pm206 - CHILPIIntermediate Level
W163- Navigating Suitability Decisions [More Info]
Speaker: Nicole Osborn, Forensic Print Specialist, Los Angeles Police Department
10:00 am - 4:00 pmMurray - HiltonARTBeginning Level
W104 - Postmortem renderings – The facial ‘reanimation’ of unidentified remains for identification purposes [More Info]
Speaker: Autumn Krick, Forensic Imaging Detective, Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office
10:00 am - 4:00 pmPaxton - HiltonFWT
Footwear Certification Board (Board Members Only) [More Info]
10:30 am - 11:10 am213 - CHIDME
Interpolation: Could all digital evidence be inadmissible? [More Info]
Speaker: Alexandria Lanning, Physical Scientist/Forensic Examiner, FBI
10:30 am - 1:30 pm209 - CHIGENBeginning Level
W139 - It’s All Greek to Me! – Explaining Scientific Concepts to the Jury with Confidence [More Info]
Speaker: Hillary Daluz, Latent Print Examiner, US Army
Speaker: Brianne Breedlove, Latent Print Examiner and Crime Scene Investigator, Uncover Forensics
11:00 am - 11:20 am214 - CHIFAC
How Face Comparison Training Can Benefit You [More Info]
Speaker: Melissa Halpenny, Training Instructor, FBI
Speaker: Angela Long, Training Instructor, FBI-CJIs
11:00 am - 12:00 pm215/216 - CHILPI
Latent Print Consultations in AFIS [More Info]
Speaker: Eric Ray, Subject Matter Expert for Justice & Public Safety, IDEMIA
Speaker: Adrianna Bast, AFIS Operations Manager, Wisconsin Department of Justice
11:20 am - 11:40 am213 - CHIDME
Evaluating Reference Sets for Score-Based Likelihood Ratios for Camera Identification [More Info]
Speaker: Stephanie Reinders, Research Scientist, Center for Statistics and Applications in Forensic Evidence
12:00 pm - 1:00 pmCastle Room - HiltonIAI
Science and Practice Committee Chairs Conference Closing Meeting (S & P Chairs Only) [More Info]
1:00 pm - 1:40 pm215/216 - CHILPI
Avoiding false IDs due to close non-matches in latent prints: development of red flag criteria [More Info]
Speaker: Heidi Eldridge, Research Forensic Scientist, RTI International
1:00 pm - 1:45 pm214 - CHI
Footwear and Tire Process Map Overview and OSAC Update [More Info]
Speaker: Vanessa Styx, Latent Print & Footwear Examiner, Wisconsin State Crime Laboratories
Speaker: Alicia Wilcox, Associate Professor, Thomas College
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm213 - CHI
A Murder by Orangutan - Poe Revisited [More Info]
Speaker: Eliot Springer
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm207 - CHILPIAny Level
W166 - Residue Distortion: Ridge and Furrow Tonal Shifts [More Info]
Speaker: Alice White, Owner, Evolve Forensics
Speaker: Glenn Langenburg, Forensic Scientist, Elite Forensic Services, LLC
1:50 pm - 2:30 pm215/216 - CHILPI
Assessing inconclusive responses in error rate studies – is ‘inconclusive’ always an error? [More Info]
Speaker: Heidi Eldridge, Research Forensic Scientist, RTI International
6:00 pm - 10:00 pmCHI Center Ballroom FoyerIAI
Cocktail Hour and Closing Banquet [More Info]