
104th IAI International Educational Conference

Peppermill Resort

Sunday, August 11, 2019 - Saturday, August 17, 2019

The IAI Annual Educational Conference is the largest organized event in the world that provides a full week of high quality, cutting edge education and hands on training in forensic physical evidence examination and crime scene processing. Register now to ensure you experience all the IAI Conference has to offer!

Register Now
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Experience the IAI Conference 2019

You will be able to join Lectures on the latest technology, techniques, and research, sign up for limited space hands on Workshops to practice basic to advanced skills, and attend Meetings and Panels that provide an opportunity to discuss the latest professional topics and developments.

There are also plenty of exciting Events and Professional Networking Opportunities!

REGISTER NOW using the button above, and we will see you in RENO! 
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Join Us on Sunday, August 11, 2019

Workshops fill up fast so register early!

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Keynote Presenters

The most highly respected and knowledgeable forensic professionals in the industry participate in our program. Among our esteemed speakers, panelists and workshop presenters are the following two Keynote Presenters we are proud to include in our program:
On Monday, during our Opening Ceremony, Lt. Brian Murphy was the first responding officer to the Sikh Temple massacre and was shot 15 times during that event. Lt. Murphy will deliver a powerful and moving account of his actions and the lessons he has learned as a result.
Our Wednesday morning Keynote will be Deputy Sheriff Paige Kneeland, she will share the knowledge she has gained using the latest DNA technology including genetic geneology to solve high profile cold cases in the state of California.
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The IAI is grateful for the generous contributions of each of our key sponsors, who enable us to offer many of the exceptional attendee experiences at our Annual Conference. Please take time to visit representatives from each of the companies below at their exhibit booths and say ‘Thank You’!

If you are interested in joining these industry leaders as a key Sponsor,
please contact Candy Murray.

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