Arts Express Summer Conference 2024

Session Submission Portal

Submission Deadline: Jan 3, 2024                     Conference Dates: June 4-5, 2024 


Conference Goals

Recent years in teaching have been heralded as the hardest ones yet. To ease the burden on teachers, our goals for Arts Express 2024 are designed for educators to:

  1. Experience deep learning through experimentation, hands-on work, and embodied learning pedagogies;

  2. Inspire joy by participating in workshops and keynotes that nourish them mentally, emotionally, physically, and socially; and

  3. Increase the social capital they need to be successful in their work by engaging in our community.

Guiding Questions

We invite presenters to propose sessions focused on supporting collective and individual well-being through the arts. You can propose an 85-minute or 3-hour deep-dive session. We seek the highest quality, hands-on, experiential workshops that are aesthetically curated to transform the whole teacher. Consider the following questions to spark your ideas and ignite your creativity around this year's theme.

  • How do we use the arts to expand our ideas of the world, grow our connection to the other people in it, and feel joy through those connections?
  • How can the arts help educators strengthen their community circles? How can we expand circles of belonging so that every student and teacher, no matter their background, feels seen and valued? 
  • How does learning take shape when circles of knowledge and disciplines intersect or overlap? How can different disciplines intertwine and support each other?
  • How do you honor cultural communities and integrate accurate and authentic cultural arts in the classroom? What can you share about the purpose and practice of the arts in your own and other cultural circles? What is the significance of circles to different cultures?
  • How are circles representative of the cycles and systems within our world? How do circular rhythms and patterns inform the flow of our life, the school day, and instruction? 
  • How do the arts support resilience? What mindful arts activities can teachers use to support well-being, manage behaviors, or improve their classroom environments? 
  • What should we leave behind when we engage in someone else’s circle? What do we bring with us?

Proposal Rubic

Proposals will be evaluated by a conference planning committee of university and school district arts leaders. Proposals focused on hands-on, engaged learning will be prioritized. We are looking for sessions that begin with action and teach through experience. Clearly state what participants will actively do during your workshop. Access a downloadable copy of the proposal rubric here

Step-by-Step Instructions for Submitting Your Proposal

  1. Click “Login” on the main navigation bar or “Create a Proposal” at the bottom of the page.

  2. Click “New User? Click Here”.

  3. Complete your profile (click on the question mark icons next to each question for further guidance) and click “Save”.

  4. Review the presenter guidelines and click the “Create a Proposal” button at the bottom of the page.

  5. Under “Your Submissions”, click “add new”.

  6. Complete your proposal submission. Save your work regularly as you go.

Submitting as Co-Authors

If you are interested in submitting a proposal to present with another person, please note the following:

  • You can add a co-author in the third field of your submission from my selecting "Add New" under "Additional Applicants".

  • Your co-author will not be notified of this action, nor will they be able to see they are listed as a co-author until conference organizers have shared it with them on the backend. 

  • You need to email with your co-author's name and email address so we can connect you both to the submission as editors. 

  • The email address you use for your co-author must be the one they use to create a profile on this site. 


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