Jan blends her unique combination of humor, energy, and technical knowledge to provide training classes, coaching, and consulting that guide people to make their organizations better.
Based in St. Louis, after 20 years in the audit profession with Deloitte, Anheuser-Busch, ACL Services, and Brown Smith Wallace, she realized her favorite part of her career was mentoring and developing her employees and teaching classes. Using formal coach training and her business expertise, she helps entrepreneurs launch and grow their businesses and provides corporate training and leadership consulting.
Jan speaks across the US on topics such as Conquering Overwhelm, Critical Thinking, Root Cause Analysis, Making Data Analysis Work, Conflict Resolution, and Impact Auditing. She frequently presents national IIA conferences, CPA societies, and regional chapters.
Course Description
Critical Thinking
Critical thinking was ranked as the most important skill employees will need in the next 5 years, according to a recent survey of HR hiring professionals. For auditors specifically, critical thinking is a key skill to identify the root cause of any audit issue, which is the most powerful way to develop recommendations that will make an impact on your organization. You will learn to:
Understand how critical thinking impacts your work and your life.
Use the components of critical thinking to provide more value to your auditees.
Get clarity on how unidentified bias can cloud your analytical skills.
Apply specific critical thinking techniques to improve your skills.
If you have any questions about the Seminar, please contact:
Jamie Van Sickler - President
jamie.vansickler@ks.gov OR chapter242@iiachaptercommunications.org
*** Registration Closes at Noon on 4/25/25 ***
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