IA at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and an Economic Update

IA at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and an Economic Update

Event Details
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Chattanooga, TN
Event Description

Brian Schuler will provide an overview of the Internal Audit function within the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and the broader Federal Reserve System (FRS). Chris Wallace and Hilary Powles will provide an overview of the FRS Fiscal Agent Relationship with the United States Treasury along with an explanation of how they provide assurance work in this space. Chris and Hilary will further discuss the FRB program/project audit approach that we apply in this space, specifically as it relates to auditing the lifecycle of software development projects and our current journey from existing data centers into the cloud. Charles Gascon, Sr. Economist, will provide an update on economic conditions with a focus on emerging developments in labor markets, inflation, and interest rates.