Welcome to the online Exhibitor Appointed Contractor (EAC) designation portal for CES 2025. This portal is designed to make designating your EAC a quick and simple process.
An EAC is a company or contractor hired by the exhibitor, who is NOT an employee of the exhibiting company or an official show vendor (i.e. Freeman). EACs are most often independent installation & dismantle companies but this also includes supervisors, technicians, photographers, audiovisual, floral, furniture, flooring, and any other contractors who aren't an official show vendor.
Designating your EAC provides the show organizer visibility into who is working on the show floor and helps to protect the organizer, you as the exhibitor, and the EACs. The EAC process is outlined here.
There are TWO steps to the EAC Designation Process:
Step One [Exhibitor Action]: Designate your EAC by completing this form and submitting. [Note: you must complete a separate form for each service/company working on your booth.]
Step Two [EAC Action]: The EAC Company will receive an email to complete their side of the EAC designation form. This includes providing onsite contact information, acceptance of the rules & regulations, and uploading a valid Certificate of Insurance [COI] for each booth location at each venue the EAC Company is providing services or products for.
Please enter your EAC's primary contact information below.
If you will have multiple EAC companies working in your booth, you will need to designate each one separately.
Exhibitors are responsible for informing EACs of the requirements and ensuring compliance. I confirm I am an employee of the exhibiting company and I have read, understand, and agree to the Rules & Regulations regarding the designation of my EAC for this event. I certify that, as a contracted Exhibitor, I have authorized the EAC named above to perform work in my exhibit space. Knowing that the EAC is my official representative, I further certify that the EAC will adhere to all show and facility regulations as if my own employee.
I understand that my organization is ultimately responsible for the actions of the EAC while on this assignment.
Privacy Policy
Should you have any questions regarding the process, please contact CES@EACMgmt.com.