Myeloma: Symptoms, Treatment, and the Role of Clinical Trials

Welcome to

Myeloma: Symptoms, Treatment, and the Role of Clinical Trials


November 9, 2020

Virtual/Online program through Zoom


Program: 5:00 pm  - 6:30 pm





Adam Binder, MD
Jefferson University Hospital

Jefferson Medical Oncology



Black Americans have roughly twice the incidence of multiple myeloma as white Americans, with recent studies finding that Blacks are also less likely to receive the latest myeloma treatments or combination therapies, and more likely to encounter delays in receiving treatment, including transplants. Participants will learn about myeloma, including symptoms and treatment options. Additional information will be provided on clinical trials and the role they play in the treatment of myeloma. Resources available through The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society will be reviewed.


To register you will need a valid email address:
please click on the REGISTER tab above. 


If you do not have an email address, please call 

Megan Smith, Patient & Community Outreach Manager at 610.276.3200 or

to register.