24-ASMA-F2-1059 Greenwood Village, CO
24-ASMA-F2-1059 Greenwood Village, CO
8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Fay Myers Motorcycle World
9700 E Arapahoe Rd
Greenwood Village, CO, 80112
ASM Basic 100 series class

  “A Crash Course for the Motorcyclist”

Learn what to do in the first 5-30 minutes after a crash until professional help arrives. Helmet removal, jaw thrust, and moving the injured are all addressed & practiced. 

6.0 CEHs available for EMS through CAPCE

IT-Instructor-Led ASM Basic 100 series class. Lead instructor: Mark Beluscak. Location: Fraternal Order of Eagles. Class limit is 20. Due to the generous sponsorship of Rider Justice Motorcycle Lawyer and Biker Down the cost is only $45.00 per student, normaly $100 and includes all course materials, a patch, a certificate and lunch.  All students must register and prepay. Link for registration: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07ek8cgxk808077224&oseq=&c=&ch=
This class is open to the general public and available to anyone to take. Lunch will be provided by Rider Justice Motorcycle Lawyer. For more information about the class or to schedule a class for your group, contact Mark Beluscak at mbeluscak@netscape.net or (303) 552-6295.
ASM/Road Guardians is accredited from CAPCE. If you would like more information or see a full list of classes, go to RoadGuardians.org.