Fast Chats Call for Commercial Members
Does your business help support the early stages of Capital Renewal? Do you offer services that our operators need to be utilizing as they begin planning for Capital Renewal?
Take this opportunity to discuss how you can support members with the Capital Renewal preliminary planning phase. Be one of 12 commercial companies participating in rapid 5 minute fast chats with 12 long-term care home operators in this exclusive event.
Reasons to participate:
1. Create new or grow existing relationships with 12 of the sector’s operators.2. Build brand recognition with those key sector operators.
3. Capitalize on year end spending by providing operators with incentives.
There are ONLY 12 SPOTS available! Each spot is $395+HST.
This EXCLUSIVE session will take place:
Wednesday, November 14, 2018Coffee, tea and refreshments will be served.
Registration: 9:00 am – 10:00 am Capital Renewal Fast Chats: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Location: Pier 2/3, Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto
A maximum of two staff per company are permitted to participate. A confirmed list of operators participating at this event will be sent to the participating commercial companies one week prior to session date.
Interested companies will be subject to approval by OLTCA before confirmation of participation. Upon confirmation of your participation, OLTCA will select your starting table.
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Please contact:Jamie Sanders
Manager, Member Services and Communications
Ontario Long Term Care Association
647.256.3490 x3503 (office)│416.735.6226 (cell)
Rebecca Darling
The Bayley Group
Direct Line: 1.519.263.6001│Toll Free: 1.888.527.3434