NEXT Conference 2018 in Grand Rapids!
September 26-28, 2018
DeVos Place | 303 Monroe Ave NW | Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Come See What's NEXT For Your Law Practice
Join us for the 2nd Annual NEXT Conference (formerly Annual Meeting/Solo and Small Firm Institute) to hear about the latest technology and practice management innovations designed to raise your level of practice. Learn new strategies for delivering competitive legal services in this changing marketplace and harness artificial intelligence software to increase your productivity. From NEXT Conference favorites like Barron Henley and the return of the popular "judicial perspectives" track to industry icons like CEO of CLIO, Jack Newton, and MyCase's Nicole Black—you'll gain valuable practice tips to use immediately.
Make NEXT Your Own Experience
Just like last year, the NEXT Conference has something for everyone—whether you're attending educational sessions, going to a section meeting or to network and make new connections. Flexible and individual pricing allow you to choose your own experience with multiple lunch and reception options, including the complimentary all-member reception.
Benefits of Attending The NEXT Conference
- Gain insight into judges' pet peeves and expectations in both criminal and civil cases
- Get step by step guidance on using speech recognition software to draft documents and time entries
- Understand the six numbers and the six reports ever lawyer must know to run a successful practice
- Avoid common malpractice traps when using technology in your practice
- Expertly and ethically use social media evidence in your next case
- Gain efficiencies in your practice with artificial intelligence software
- Sell your legal services by understanding how client's value it
- Keep current on the latest tech tricks, gadgets and websites
- Capitalize on key trends in the legal marketplace to stay competitive
- Find dozens of industry-leading companies and organizations offering solutions that are geared toward your specific needs