Poster/Presentation Information
Travel Information
Colloquium Schedule
This colloquium is designed to provide community college students who are conducting undergraduate research the opportunity to share research, develop professional meeting skills and network with students from across the country.
The two day colloquium will be hosted at Glendale Community College and the Renaissance Phoenix Glendale Hotel. The event will include student poster sessions and various sessions on undergraduate research at community colleges.
Thursday November 29 - Renaissance Phoenix Glendale Hotel
Friday November 30 - Glendale Community College
Wednesday November 28th and Saturday December 1st are considered travel days.
Open to any community college student, faculty, administrator or staff member, we aim to bring together those committed to national STEM education reform.
The Community College Undergraduate Research Initiative
(CCURI) is a national consortium of community colleges, four-year schools,
government agencies, and private organizations dedicated to the development, implementation,
and assessment of sustainable models for integrating an undergraduate research
(UR) experience into community college STEM programs. Over the last 5 years the
National Science Foundation has invested over $5.2 million dollars in CCURI
though grant awards to Finger Lakes Community College. These awards have funded
the growth of a national network of over 40 community colleges that have implemented
the CCURI model of undergraduate research. Students from within the network
have competed with top notch 4-year college and university students to win
awards for high quality research and have contributed work to the fields of
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.
To learn more about CCURI, visit