Student Support Services
San Diego County Office of Education
Mara Madrigal-Weiss currently serves as the Coordinator of Student Mental Health and Well-being for the San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE). Prior to entering into educational administration, her experience included working with school communities as a Family Case Manager, Protective Services Worker and Family Resource Center Director. Her area of expertise include implementation of comprehensive positive school climate programming including but not limited to restorative practices, trauma informed practices, positive behavior and intervention supports, bullying prevention and intervention and mental health awareness. At present Ms. Weiss is leading the Student Mental Health Initiative for the SDCOE and Project Cal-Well a SAMSHA funded federal grant to increase student access to mental health and build positive school climates (Now Is The Time NITT AWARE). Her other area of expertise is in cross system collaboration and information sharing practices among youth serving partners including but not limited to law enforcement, protective services, probation, mental and behavioral health providers resulting in trauma informed enhanced service delivery for students and their families. Ms. Mara Madrigal- Weiss has earned her B.A. in Sociology an M.A. in Human Behavior, an M.Ed with an emphasis in counseling and an M.Ed in Educational Leadership.