Special Education Advisor
Pennsylvania Department of Education, Bureau of Special Education
Lead Presenter: Juanita Kirton, PhD. Special Education Advisor: Pennsylvania Department of Education, Bureau of Special Education Dr. Kirton works for Pennsylvania Department of Education, Bureau of Special Education. She is currently the Special Education Advisor for the northeastern area of PA covering over twenty-five school districts and charter schools. She is responsible for compliance monitoring of State and Federal regulations that govern students with disabilities ages 5-18 years. Juanita represents the State of PA on Cultural Linguistic Competence Committee (Core Leadership Team), Social Educational Learning Committee, and Bullying Prevention Initiative and represents the Bureau of Special Education at Annual Diversity Summit. Dr. Kirton has over forty- five years in education and has earned degrees in Psychology, Special Education, Education Administration and Creative Writing. Co-leader: James Palmiero, Ed.D. Director - Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN) JPalmiero@pattanpgh.net Dr. Palmiero is a director of the Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network, which is an initiative of the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Bureau of Special Education. In this capacity, he oversees state-wide training and technical assistance specific to the following initiatives: Behavior, Secondary Transition, Inclusive Practices and Family Engagement. He also convenes Pennsylvania's Community of Practice (CoP) on School Based Behavioral Health (SBBH), which is a cross-systems network of representatives from child and youth serving departments and agencies within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Dr. Palmiero is the co-director of the PA Positive Behavior Support Network, which provides oversight for Pennsylvania's scale-up of program and school wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports.