AGD2017 Las Vegas



Rudy M. Wassenaar is a general dentist practicing in rural British Columbia , Canada where he has been since 1987. He graduated from the University of Amsterdam in 1981 with a DMD degree. In 1986 he passed the National Dental Examination Board of Canada requirements for licensure in Canada and moved to Williams Lake, BC Canada. Dr. Wassenaar is a member of the American Academy of General Dentistry and in recognition for his involvement with organized dentistry he received his Fellowship ( 2000) and his Mastership (2007) designation. 

Dr. Wassenaar is a member of the Alumni Organization of the LD Pankey Institute for Advanced Dental Education, the American Academy of GP Orthodontics and the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. In 2001 Dr. Wassenaar received his Fellowship Award from the International Academy of Dental-Facial Esthetics. He is a member of the International Congress of Oral Implantologist and as such has received his Fellowship (2005).Mastership (2007) and Diplomate Award (2011).  Dr. Wassenaar studied under Dr.Carl Misch and in recognition of his ongoing involvement with the Misch International Implant Institute received his surgical Fellowship Award in 2011. Dr. Wassenaar has received his certification and credentials from the American Board of Oral Implantology / Implant Dentistry (2014). Dr. Wassenaar is a member of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry and as such is currently working towards his Fellowship designation with this organization.