Dr. Melanie E. Mayberry is currently a Clinical Associate Professor and the Chairman of the Department of Oral Health and Integrated Care at the University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry. Previously, she was the Director of the Pre-Doctoral Patient Care Clinic, a 42 chair dental clinic at the University Health Center on the Detroit Medical Center Campus. Dr. Mayberry is a member of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Perinatal Oral Health Education Taskforce and the Interprofessional Education Taskforce. She is also a member of the State of Michigan Infant Mortality Advisory Council and is the co-developer of a grant funded teaching, training, and education program that integrates oral health into OB (obstetrics) practice.
Dr. Mayberry received Fellowship status from the Academy of General Dentistry and was recently inducted into the Pierre Fauchard International Honor Dental Academy. She maintains a part-time private practice and has a strong interest in interprofessional education and collaborative care. Dr. Mayberry is a graduate of Meharry Medical College School of Dentistry. She completed a General Practice Residency in Hospital Dentistry at the University of Michigan Medical Center, and received her Master’s Degree in Health Care Management from the Harvard School of Public Health.