Subject: 550 – Practice Management & Human Relations
Credits: 1 (Lecture)
Friday, July 14: 1 to 2 p.m.
Audience: DTC (D, H, A, O, T), ST, R
Fee: Free with registration!
Location: Exhibit Hall
Speaker bio: Potsdam, NY; Founder and CEO, Local Search For Dentists™
Description: This training will involve teaching and training the attendees on how to encourage and attract more consistent 5 STAR Google reviews, using scripting, systems, software, and processes without frustrating their patients. Often times, patients feel pushed into leaving a review and in turn won't leave a review or may leave a negative review. You don't want to ask each and every patient to leave a review, which is what most practices do, and that is how neg. reviews happen! We will teach them how to ask in such a way that makes the patient feel good about the process and in turn the practice gets a glowing Google review. We will also provide specific training on how to attract what we call, "6 Star reviews" which are 45-60 second emotional based video clips, done in office with a smart phone, that encourage the patient to simply and happily talk about their great experience at the practice, then syndicate those on social media and video sites like YouTube (the second largest search engine on the planet). There will also be training on how to effectively manage your online brand and image as a practice that will encourage more quality patients and referrals. The attendees will walk away from this training will a real goal oriented action plan to improve their practices online image and brand.
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