Subject: 690 – Implants
Credits: 1 (Lecture)
Friday, July 14: 2 to 3 p.m.
Audience: D, ST, R
Fee: Free with registration!
Location: Exhibit Hall
Speaker bio: Beverly Hills, CA; private practice; Fellow of the International Congress of Oral Implantology (ICOI)
Description: General practitioners are in the position to first recognize dental diseases and formulate the solutions for their patients. Today’s dental implant procedures are capable of reliably restoring function, confidence and esthetics to many patients that had to have a compromised results in the past. However, a good portion of the public is routinely denied the benefits of implant dentistry. In most cases this is because the GP does not have the confidence and training for offering and delivering these services. This lack of courage to incorporate implant services mainly stems from the earlier days of dental implantology when the cost of acquiring a system and getting trained for it was so prohibitive that only a handful of general practitioners found the investment in time and money worthwhile. Implant dentistry has improved tremendously in the past 40 years. Instrumentation for modern implants has been greatly simplified and newer implant designs and alloys have made dental implants much more reliable and easier to use. New implant systems have made restoring dental implants as easy and routine as regular crown and bridge dentistry, without any need for additional tools, parts or skills. With the advent of internet and online world, the implant practitioner has unlimited resources to continue his education and mastery in the new discipline.
Dr. Zadeh will show that a dentist with basic restorative skills has the manual dexterity to place and restore implants successfully. By going through the four basic principles of implant surgery, they are shown that any general practitioner, who is familiar and comfortable with surgical extractions and suturing, can easily add dental implants to the list of his services. Many examples are given that when a GP who offers dental implants at his office he greatly improves his level of patient care and his own bottom line.
Learning objectives:
- As a practicing dentist, they do possess the manual dexterity for implant procedures.
- Four (4) basic surgical principles of implant dentistry
- The improvements made in the last 40 years of implant dentistry
- The features that a dentist must look for in choosing a dental implant system.
- How restoring implants can be as easy and simple as regular crown and bridge
- The differences between implant restorations and natural teeth restorations
- Various sources for basic and continuing implant education
- How they can improve their production by doing implants

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