AGD2017 Las Vegas
L22: My Jaw Hurts! What do I do? An Overview of Diagnostic Techniques, Examination, and Management Strategies in Orofacial Pain

Subject: 200 – Orofacial Pain
Credits: 3 (Lecture)
Saturday, July 15: 2 to 5 p.m.
Audience: D, A, H, ST, R
Fee: $60
Location: Pool Level, Forum 18 & 19

Speaker bio: Phoenix, AZ; Associate Director of Oral Medicine, Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health, A.T. Still University, Mesa, AZ

Description: This course represents the second part of the morning session. The afternoon session will review diagnostic procedures, the examination methods, and treatment modalities for various orofacial pain conditions. Management involves a multidisciplinary approach. Dentists will learn how to implement medical, dental, pharmacologic, interventional and behavioral treatments. Clinical case studies will be presented to illustrate the treatment of orofacial pain conditions.

Learning Objectives:

  • How to perform a comprehensive head and neck examination and oral diagnostic evaluation.
  • How to manage orofacial pain through non-pharmacological methods, including splint therapy, interventional therapy, and physical medicine.
  • How to select, administer and prescribe pharmacological agents in the treatment of orofacial pain disorders.