S04: Problems and Solutions in Dental Sleep Medicine Treatment: Your Burning Questions Answered
Subject: 160 - Sleep Apnea & Appliance Therapy
Credits: 1 (Lecture)
Thursday, July 13: 4:45 to 5:30 p.m.
Audience: D, A, R, ST
Fee: $25
Location: Exhibit Hall
Carstensen Bio: Bellevue, WA; PA; private practice; University of California, LA; Editor-in-chief, dental sleep practice magazine.
Varga Bio: Henderson, Nevada; private practice; visiting faculty of American Dental Institute, The Pankey Institute and Spear Education
Description: Clinical practice is full of unique situations that present challenges to the team. Often, lectures prompt questions that attendees have no opportunity to ask the presenter. This format allows an informal discussion between a small group of dentists and leaders in practical dental sleep medicine. This lively talk will leave you more confident in serving your every day patients and able to manage more details that come with adding dental sleep medicine to your practice.

Sponsored in part by CareCredit
Subject: 160 - Sleep Apnea & Appliance Therapy
Credits: 1 (Lecture)
Thursday, July 13: 4:45 to 5:30 p.m.
Audience: D, A, R, ST
Fee: $25
Location: Exhibit Hall
Carstensen Bio: Bellevue, WA; PA; private practice; University of California, LA; Editor-in-chief, dental sleep practice magazine.
Varga Bio: Henderson, Nevada; private practice; visiting faculty of American Dental Institute, The Pankey Institute and Spear Education
Description: Clinical practice is full of unique situations that present challenges to the team. Often, lectures prompt questions that attendees have no opportunity to ask the presenter. This format allows an informal discussion between a small group of dentists and leaders in practical dental sleep medicine. This lively talk will leave you more confident in serving your every day patients and able to manage more details that come with adding dental sleep medicine to your practice.

Sponsored in part by CareCredit