AGD2017 Las Vegas
L164: The Dental Professional's Role in the Treatment of the Diabetic Patient

Subject: 750 – Special Patient Care
Saturday, July 15: 2 to 3 p.m.
Audience: DTC (D,H,A,O,T), ST, R
Fee: $20
Location: Emperor's Level, Augustus I

Speaker bio: Roslyn Heights, NY; Speaker, Advanced Practice Seminars

Description: As the prevalence of diabetes continues to increase in the United States, so too will the number of dental patients affected by the disease. Almost one third of our senior population will develop Diabetes. One out of three of these seniors will be undiagnosed. This lectures is specifically geared for the Dentist and Dental Hygienist. This presentation addresses the relationship between oral health and diabetes and will discuss the practitioner’s role with management considerations for the patient with diabetes. An overview of diabetes will be discussed as well as its oral anifestations, consequences, and treatment recommendations.

Learning Objectives:


  • Define diabetes and differentiate between each type
  • Review the role the Dentist and Dental Hygienist have in early detection for the diagnosis of diabetes
  • Describe the signs and symptoms of uncontrolled diabetes mellitus
  • Identify the risk factors and systemic complications of diabetes
  • Discuss the oral complications and management considerations for the dental patient with diabetes.

    Colgate is the Presenting Sponsor of this course.