Subject: 250 - Operative (Restorative) Dentistry
Credits: 1 (Lecture)
Audience: D, A, ST, R
Fee: $20
Location: Emperor's Level, Augustus I
Speaker Bio: Scottsdale, AZ; President of Lee Ann Brady LLC, a dental education company; past Resident Faculty and Clinical Director for The Pankey Institute; past Executive VP of Clinical Education at Spear Education.
Description: Bonding and cementation materials and techniques are
constantly evolving. It is a challenge of every practice to differentiate
between the products on the market, and know which to choose to ensure
predictable results. This program will present
the history and current science behind dentin adhesives, bonding systems and
cementation. The lecture will compare total etch to self etch techniques and
distinguish the risks and benefits of each. The presentation will detail a
systematic approach to evaluating the different generations of dentin
adhesives, and compare the clinical and research data of each. This lecture will clarify how to decrease
post-operative sensitivity and increase the success of your adhesive dentistry.