L138: Essential Marketing Strategies You Can Use to Grow Your Practice On Monday
Subject: 550 - Practice Management & Human Relations
Subject: 550 - Practice Management & Human Relations
Credits: 1 (Lecture)
Friday, July 14: 11 a.m. - noon
Audience: DTC (D, H, A, O, T), ST, R
Fee: $20
Location: Pool Level, Forum 12 & 13
Speaker Bio: Overland Park, KS; founder and CEO of ACT Dental Practice Coaching; member, The Pankey Institute Board of Advisors
Description: Learn what’s working and what’s not working in
the world of marketing. See how you can double your new patient flow without
spending a dime. We will show your team real-world steps to fill your schedule
right away. Learn how to stop struggling when it comes to growing your private

Care Credit is the Presenting Sponsor of this course.

Care Credit is the Presenting Sponsor of this course.