AGD2017 Las Vegas
L131: The Importance of Clarity, a Vision and Setting Goals

Subject: 550 - Practice Management & Human Relations
Credits: 1 (Lecture)
Friday, July 14: 10 to 11 a.m.
Audience: DTC (D, H, A, O, T), ST, R
Fee: $20
Location: Pool Level, Forum 12 & 13

Speaker Bio: Overland Park, KS; founder and CEO of ACT Dental Practice Coaching; member, The Pankey Institute Board of Advisors

Description: The absence of clarity will always create stress and inefficiency in your practice. During this valuable lecture, you will see a simple recipe to create the powerful clarity you need with your game plan in the year ahead. You will also discover how to authentically engage the people around you to systematically achieve these goals so that your practice continuously grows in the direction you want it to. Now more than ever, your game plan has to be clear so that you can compete with the challenges ahead in dentistry. This lecture will teach you how to create and follow a game plan that will lead to results you never thought were possible.

Care Credit is the Presenting Sponsor of this course.